PSYC-100C P3 Intro to Psychology (3)
This course provides the student with an integrated approach to psychology. Students are introduced to both the empirical and theoretical views of behavior within a discipline noted for its breadth and diversity of interests.
Attributes: P3 YLIBPSYC-164 P3 The Legal Mind (3)
This course introduces legal studies students as well as other students to the science of psychology and its application to the law and the legal system. Sometimes the law lags behind social thinking, while the science of psychology attempts to, in part, predict social thinking. This course will explore the similarities and inherent conflicts between the fields of law and psychology, including topics such as conservatism, authority, the adversarial process, empiricism, the differences between prescriptive and descriptive processes, sentencing, the insanity defense, and expert witnesses.
Attributes: P3 YLIBPSYC-190 Intro Topics in Psychology (3)
An opportunity to cover a topic not regularly offered. The topic will vary depending on student interests and the interests of the instructor. The course may be offered as part of a learning community. Although the topic changes, the course may only be taken once. This course does not provide credit for Introduction to Psychology.
Fall 2015 Topic: Psychology of Influence
This course will take up the topic of persuasion and social influence. Every day, we are both users and recipients of the forces of social influence and persuasion. This course will examine mass-media persuasion including advertising as well as the news and general media. It will also examine more interpersonal sources of influence, such as politicians, religious leaders, or our own peer groups.
Attributes: YLIBPSYC-200 Research Methods & Writing (3)
This course focuses on the research process in the field of psychology. It is hands-on and writing-intensive. Students learn to search for and read scholarly psychological literature, design and conduct research studies, and write in APA (American Psychological Association) style.
Attributes: HHSM YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C C
Restrictions: Including: -Major: PsychologyPSYC-201 Basic Statistics (3)
This course focuses on basic statistical methods used to answer behavioral research questions and includes an introduction to data analysis using statistical programs such as SPSS. Topics include: descriptive statistics, sampling distributions and principles of statistical inference, null hypothesis testing, power and effect size, and statistical methods used in analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data analysis and written communication of results will be a focus throughout the course.
Attributes: HHSM YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C C
Restrictions: Including: -Major: Psychology, StatisticsPSYC-204 Advanced Statistics (3)
This course introduces students to more advanced applications of the concepts developed in the Basic Statistics course (e.g., correlation and regression, ANOVA, power and effect size, analysis of interaction effects). Students also develop a consumer knowledge of advanced and multivariate techniques such as meta-analysis, multiple regression, and path analysis by reading and interpreting psychological research articles utilizing these techniques. The course may involve some data analysis using statistical software such as SPSS, but emphasis will be on interpretation of statistical analyses.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 CPSYC-205C SQ Statistical Reasoning (3)
This is a course on basic statistical literacy and thinking. Its goals are to: a) provide students with a basic conceptual grasp of statistical principles and laws and b) to practice critical thinking about statistics-based claims in the media. The course does not stress the calculation of statistics, nor is any mathematics background necessary to do well in this course.
Attributes: HHSM SQ YLIBPSYC-211 P3 Society& Mental Illness (3)
The purpose of this course is to explore, using a multidimensional approach, abnormal behavior and specific diagnostic categories included in the current classification system (i.e., DSM-IV-TR). The course will highlight the science of abnormal behavior and psychopathology, and will thus situate empirical research at the center of our explorations. The course will additionally emphasize application of principles to ?real? people living in the ?real? world. Controversial issues in abnormal psychology will be afforded special attention, and students should be prepared to engage with this content by completing assigned readings and regularly contributing to discussion/debate. Note: Students currently enrolled in or who have prior credit for PSYC 401 – Abnormal Psychology may NOT take this course.
Attributes: P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-212 Psychology of Sport (3)
An overview of the field of exercise psychology as it applies to sport. Both individual psychological behavior and team psychological behavior are examined. Topics include the psychology of competition, motivation, leadership, and aggression. Cross-listed with SPST 212.
Attributes: SPHR YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-217C P3 Psychology of Religion (3)
The past two decades have shown a growing interest among psychologists in the constructs of “religiosity” and “spirituality” as important components of a healthy functioning personality. Goals of this course include: examining the various psychological approaches (psychoanalytic, behaviorist, humanist) as they have been used to understand the religious experience; developing an appreciation of the scientific method as applied to the study of religion; reviewing the empirical relationships found between religiosity, personal health, and well-being; and exploring one’s own unique spiritual/religious journey, with insights gained from course materials. Cross-listed with REST 217C.
Attributes: P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, Sophomore, SeniorPSYC-227C P3 Child & Adolescent Dev (3)
This course acquaints students with development from infancy through adolescence. Special emphasis is given to early determinants of behavior; the development of social, cognitive, and behavioral processes; and several of the theoretical formulations proposed to explain development. Cross-listed with EDUC 227C.
Attributes: P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-231C P3 Dev Across Lifespan (3)
Designed to acquaint students with human development, from conception through the various developmental stages of childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging. The major research and theories used to describe physical, cognitive, emotional, moral, and social development throughout the lifespan are explored.
PSYC 231C is restricted to Nursing majors and cannot be used for credit toward the PSYC major or minor requirements without permission of the PSYC department chair.
Attributes: P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-
Restrictions: Including: -Major: NursingPSYC-233C P3 Industrial & Org Psyc (3)
Industrial-Organizational Psychology (I-O) is concerned with applying the principles of psychology to people and behavior in the workplace. This course surveys the methods and theories involved in I-O psychology, focusing on topics such as selection and testing, appraisal, groups, and leadership. Both science (empirical findings) and practice (application) are emphasized.
Attributes: P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-235C P3 Social Psychology (3)
This course explores the way situational factors affect how we think, feel, and behave toward others in social situations. Topics include: altruism, aggression, persuasion, conformity, stereotyping and prejudice, and attraction to others.
Attributes: P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-255 P3 Health Psych&Behav Med (3)
This course provides a broad overview of the related fields of health psychology and behavioral medicine. The course applies various theoretical perspectives to understanding how biological, psychological, and social factors interact with and affect: people’s efforts to achieve good health and prevent illness; factors underlying health habits and lifestyles; stress and coping and their role in illness; factors relating to seeking and receiving treatment for medical problems; pain and its treatment; and the recovery, rehabilitation, and psychosocial adjustments of people with serious health problems and chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.
Attributes: HHCF P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-260 Evolutionary Psychology (3)
There exists an increased interest in evolutionary descriptions of behavior. While Darwin foresaw this approach and while psychologists since James championed its wisdom, contemporary psychologists are only beginning to utilize this conceptual framework. This course examines behavior in the light of evolution. The methods, successes, and problems of the evolutionary approach are investigated.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-265 P3 Human Sexuality (3)
The study of human sexuality will certainly challenge your attitudes, beliefs and feelings. Sexuality pervades the world around us. It is difficult to turn on the television, open a newspaper or magazine, or peruse the internet without being confronted with sexuality in some form. During the course of the semester we will study many aspects of human sexuality including: physiology of the sexual response, sexual development, gender roles, sexual orientation, cultural differences in sexuality, the politics of sexuality, and atypical sexual behavior. We will discuss topics that some of you may find difficult to discuss. We will discuss topics that are controversial. We will discuss topics that may be amusing. Course material will be presented primarily through discussion and some lecture. You will get more out of this course if you do the work and are active in class. It is absolutely necessary that you come to class as material discussed in class may not be in your text. You will be held responsible for all material presented in class as well as material from the required readings. Cross listed with WGST 265.
Attributes: P3 WGST YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-270C P3 Drugs & Behavior (3)
An overview of psychoactive drugs and their effects on the nervous system and on behavior. Emphasis is on the physiological and behavioral effects of drugs of abuse (such as alcohol, cocaine, and hallucinogens) and psychotherapeutic drugs (such as antidepressants and antipsychotics). Theories of drug abuse and issues regarding prevention and treatment of drug abuse are also discussed.
Attributes: P3 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-280 Found Behavioral Neurosci (3)
This course provides an introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system and to physiological methods of investigation. Major emphasis is on how the brain controls behaviors such as sensation and perception, learning, memory, consciousness, psychopathology, emotions, eating, and sexual development.
Formerly: Physiological Psychology
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-281 Learning (3)
This course introduces students to various types of learning, including habituation and sensitization, and classical and operant conditioning. The course explores factors that influence these various types of learning, theories regarding mechanisms underlying learning, and applications of learning principles to animal and human behavior.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-282 Cognitive Processes (3)
This course introduces students to the areas of perception, attention, memory, thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. Typically offered three out of every four semesters.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C D-PSYC-290 Career Planning & Explor (1)
The goals of this practicum are to aid students in: developing an appreciation of values and skills consistent with a liberal arts education in the field of psychology and applying these values and skills to develop and make progress toward personal and career goals. Students will pursue realistic ideas about how to implement their psychological knowledge, skills, and values to formulate long-term goals and effective plans for career development and personal growth through lifelong learning. Graded S/U.
Formerly: Practicum for PSYC Majors
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C OR PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Major: Psychology; Excluding: -Class: FreshmanPSYC-327 Developmental Laboratory (3)
Students apply the concepts and methods from developmental psychology to design and conduct research, analyze and interpret the data, and report their findings both orally and in writing. This is a writing-intensive course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C AND (PSYC-227C C OR EDUC-227C C) OR PSYC-231C CPSYC-335 Social Psychology Lab (3)
Students apply the concepts and methods from social psychology to design and conduct research, analyze and interpret the data, and report their findings both orally and in writing. This is a writing-intensive course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C AND PSYC-235C CPSYC-350 Child Behavior Disorders (3)
This course explores the psychological disorders that first manifest themselves in childhood, including their behavioral manifestations, etiology, and treatment. Topics include, but are not limited to, anxiety and mood disorders, ADHD, conduct disorders, autism and pervasive developmental disorders, eating disorders, health disorders, and child maltreatment and abuse. The etiology and treatment of the disorders are discussed from various psychological, biological, historical, and cultural perspectives. The impact of the child’s development on the expression of the disorder is also examined.
Attributes: HHHD YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-227C D- OR EDUC-227C D- OR PSYC-231C D-
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-352 Group Dynamics (3)
A theoretical and practical course which examines the nature and functions of task-oriented groups in a variety of settings. Topics studied from a communication-based perspective include: group formation, goals, norms, process analysis, leadership, conflict, satisfaction, and productivity. Not available as an audited course. Cross-listed with COMM 352.
Attributes: YLIB
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-361 Psychophysiology Lab (3)
Students learn about the conceptual foundations of psychophysiological research and acquire basic psychophysiological recording skills. Students then apply this knowledge to the implementation of original research. Tasks include study design and execution; data analysis and interpretation; and communication of results in both written and oral format. This is a writing-intensive course. Note: This course may be used to satisfy a psychology laboratory requirement for either degree in Psychology.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 CPSYC-362 Topics Laboratory (3)
The course will cover research methods typically used to investigate a particular topic in psychology (the topic will vary depending on student interests and the interests of the instructor). Students will learn how to critically read journal articles and will conduct one or more guided and/or independent empirical research projects related to the topic under study. Students will also communicate their findings in both written and oral formats. This is a writing-intensive course. Note: This course may be used to satisfy a psychology laboratory requirement for either the B.A. or the B.S. degree in Psychology. Fall 2015 Topic: Empirical Research in PSYC This course centers on the planning and execution of original empirical research in psychological science. It facilitates students? acquisition of skills related to all phases of the research process, including the identification and synthesis of background literature, formulation of research questions, experimental design, collection and statistical analysis of data, and written and oral communication of research findings. Students will conduct two research projects. The first will be led by the instructor and executed as a class; the second will be conducted by small groups of students who will assume control of the research enterprise. In contrast to other PSYC laboratory courses, in which research areas are established at the outset of the course, this course permits students? selection of wide-ranging research topics that cut across psychological science. This is a writing-intensive course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-364 Psychology and the Law (3)
This course will cover the historical background of forensic psychology from pre-Victorian-era thinking through developments post-world wars and to the present. Students will explore various roles of the psychologist, ethical issues, and topics such as psychological testing and expert investigation in civil, family, and criminal cases. Contemporary problems and future issues will be addressed. Note: Students with prior credit for Advanced Topics in Psychology: Psychology and the Law (PSYC 390 or PSYC 391) may not take this course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-211 D- OR PSYC-236 D-PSYC-381 Learning Laboratory (3)
Students apply the concepts and methods from learning theory to design and conduct research, analyze and interpret the data, and report their findings both orally and in writing. This is a writing-intensive course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C AND PSYC-281 CPSYC-382 Cognitive Processes Lab (3)
Students apply the concepts and methods from cognitive psychology to design and conduct research, analyze and interpret the data, and report their findings both orally and in writing. This is a writing-intensive course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C AND PSYC-282 CPSYC-386 Survey Design and Analysis (3)
The course covers the construction of questionnaires, survey item types and wording, sampling procedures, and data collection methods. Statistical methods involved in survey design and research are also covered.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 D- AND PSYC-201 D-
Restrictions: Including: -Major: Psychology, StatisticsPSYC-388 Testing and Measurement (3)
This course covers the principles of psychological assessment, including test development, the psychometric properties of testing, and applications in organizational, educational, and clinical settings. The course will include research and statistical procedures used in test development and evaluation.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-100C C AND PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 CPSYC-390 Adv Topics: Psychology (3)
An opportunity to cover a topic not regularly offered. The topic will vary depending on student interests and the interests of the instructor. The course may be taken more than once with different topics.
Fall 2016 Topic: Going to the Dogs Research scientists, especially those interested in social cognition (i.e., how we encode, store, process, and use information about others), have recently been turning their attention to the study of domestic dogs. Some scientists argue that dogs and humans represent an example of convergent evolution, and that consequently we may learn much about our own social cognition by studying our canine companions. Other scientists argue that humans and domestic dogs develop similar socio-cognitive skills as a result of our shared environments and learning experiences. This course will explore some of the current questions and controversies in the area of canine social cognition, including: How do dogs perceive their world? Do dogs have a concept of self or others? How do dogs communicate with us and with other dogs? Do dogs think and solve problems like we do? Do dogs have personalities and/or a sense of morality? Students will be required to write a major paper on a related topic and present their findings to the class. Note: Students taking HNRS 383 – Dog Days of Psychology (Fall 2016) and students with credit for PSYC 407 – Seminar:Going to the Dogs (Fall 2014) may not take this course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-391 Advanced Topics in Psych (3)
An opportunity to cover a topic not regularly offered. The topic course will vary depending on the student interests and the interests of the instructor. The course may be taken more than once with different topics. Spring 2015 Topic: Reel Madness Reel Madness An Exploration of Mental Illness in Movies will explore the manner in which mental illnesses are portrayed in popular culture, specifically through examining the presentation of psychological dysfunction in movies. Students will develop the ability to critically analyze the “Hollywood” presentation as it compares to empirical and diagnostic evidence. The course will also examine the relationship between popular films, stigma and societal understanding of abnormal behavior. This discussion based course will require students to read original research, texts and view several movies.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-405 Intro to Counseling (3)
This course provides an introduction to the major concepts and practices of contemporary therapeutic systems. It offers an opportunity to integrate previously learned personality theories and counseling approaches. Additionally, some basic issues in counseling including ethics and the issue of the counselor as a person are discussed.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-211 D- OR PSYC-236 D-
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-407 Seminar: (3)
A seminar course providing an opportunity to cover a topic not regularly offered. (The topic will vary depending on student interests and the interests of the instructor.) This course is writing intensive. Students will conduct a literature review and communicate their findings in both written and oral formats. The course may be taken more than once with different topics.
Fall 2015 Topic: Psychology of Stigma Carrying a stigmatized identity can influence how we are perceived and treated by others. In this course, we will explore classic and contemporary theory and research on social stigma. We will examine expressions of stigma and how it affects members of a variety of stigmatized groups. The primary focus of the course will be on understanding the experience of those with stigmatized identities.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-408 Seminar: (3)
A seminar course providing an opportunity to cover a topic not regularly offered. (The topic will vary depending on the student interests and the interests of the instructor.) This course is writing intensive. Students will conduct a literature review and communicate their findings in both written and oral formats. The course may be taken more than once with different topics. Spring 2016 Topic: Media & Development This course will examine the influence of various forms of media (music, video games, etc.) on children?s behavior and development. Topics include the impact of violent media on development, the progression and change of media over time and how this may impact children’s development, as well as the interplay with other aspects of a child’s environment (e.g., parents). Note: Students with credit for PSYC 391 Media & Development (Spring 2014) may not earn credit for this course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-411 Advanced Psychopathology (3)
This course will provide a thorough exploration of the major diagnostic categories of abnormal psychology, including symptoms, etiological factors and empirically validated treatment approaches. Etiology and treatment are considered from the major psychological models and the biological model. Other topics include evaluating the historical perspective, current research findings and a critical evaluation of the various theoretical approaches. This is a capstone course and, as such, students are expected to consolidate their understanding of the major theoretical perspectives as they apply to understanding human differences. Note: Students with credit for PSYC 401 – Abnormal Psychology may NOT take this course.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C AND PSYC-211 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: SeniorPSYC-475 WashDC Experience-Intern (6 TO 9)
Washington Experience semester is offered through The Washington Center. Permission of the advisor, department chair, and TWC liaison (Dr. Monica Cherry) is required to register.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-476 Y D-PSYC-476 WashDC Experience-Sem (3 TO 6)
Washington Experience semester is offered through The Washington Center. Permission of the advisor, department chair, and TWC liaison (Dr. Monica Cherry) is required to register.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-477 Y D-PSYC-477 WashDC Experience-Forum (1 TO 3)
Washington Experience semester is offered through The Washington Center. Permission of the advisor, department chair, and TWC liaison (Dr. Monica Cherry) is required to register.
Attributes: YLIBPSYC-490 Field Experience (1 TO 6)
Under faculty direction, qualified students are encouraged to undertake field experience in a psychology-related setting. Credit will not be given until the student’s report has been completed, defended, and a copy placed on file in the office of the department chair. The deadline for submitting the final paper is one full week prior to the beginning of final examinations. Course may be taken more than once. Interested students must submit Field Experience applications for departmental approval at least one week prior to course registration. An application is available from any member of the department. Permission of the department chair is required to register.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-496 Independent Rdg/Research (1 TO 4)
In concert with the faculty member possessing the appropriate expertise, qualified students may undertake an in-depth study of, or research study on, specialized psychological topics. Credit will not be given until the student’s final paper has been completed, defended, and a copy placed on file in the office of the department chair. The deadline for submitting the final paper is one full week prior to the beginning of final examinations. Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 C
Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, SeniorPSYC-496H Honors Reading (1 TO 3)
Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.
Attributes: YLIBPSYC-497 Research Experience (1 TO 3)
Students work with a faculty mentor to address a timely research question in psychology. Upon completion of the project, the results are presented in the form of a written research report and/or a scientific poster. Completion of a written project proposal with a Department of Psychology faculty member and the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.
Note: A student may not exceed a total of 9 credit hours of PSYC 497.
Students should have completed at least 15 credit in Psychology before registering for PSYC 497.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PSYC-200 C AND PSYC-201 CPSYC-499H Senior Honors Project (1 TO 3)
Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.
Attributes: YLIB