
  • PSJS-199C RW Research-Based Writing (3)

    Students learn the basics of writing an academic research paper in this discipline. Emphasis is on elements of persuasive argumentation, the inclusion of more than one perspective on an issue, the proper use and documentation of sources, and revision. Students also learn how to make an effective oral presentation of their research. Department-determined topic may change from semester to semester and is likely to include literary texts as primary materials. Restricted to freshmen and transfers. Note: 199C courses may not be taken for credit more than once. Spring 2011: Topic: “Issues in Peace & Social Justice Studies.”

    Attributes: RW YLIB
    Restrictions: Including: -Class: Freshman, Sophomore
  • PSJS-200D P2 Intro Peace&SocJus Stdy (3)

    Peacemaking and social activism are some of the most challenging endeavors known to humanity. Peace, the affirmative condition of well-being, unity, and wholeness, is best expressed by the Hebrew ‘shalom”, not by the mere absence of war. The introductory course considers the thinking of great peacemakers and social activists throughout the world, the methods for establishing and maintaining peace, and the development of alternatives to violence and oppressive social control. The primary concern is with the affirmative idea of peace that comes from doing justice and extending that concern to the created order.

    Attributes: P2 YLIB
  • PSJS-210D Women and Peace (3)

    This course examines the relationship between women, peace, and social justice as expressed in the development of women’s actions and movements for peace. In the context of feminist thought, we examine war, violence and systemic oppression are analyzed to determine how they affect women as a particular group. The course also explores the development of pacifism, nonviolence, conflict resolution, and other strategies through which conflict can be managed in order to maximize justice and minimize violence. It includes national as well as global issues.

    Attributes: PSJ WGST YLIB
  • PSJS-212P CC Nonviolent Leadership (3)

    In an effort to better understand how leaders can promote peaceful change for social justice in a multicultural democracy, this course examines significant social movements to achieve social justice and the strategies that have guided their struggles. Using case studies, interactive teaching tools, film clips, and selected readings, students examine models of peaceful social change and the leadership practices that sustain nonviolent social movements. Students are also introduced to the practices of ‘social entrepreneurs” who offer creative models of peaceful change for the common good. Finally, students engage in self-reflection and discussion as they attempt to identify and compare the values within social movements of those of the society at large.

    Attributes: CC YLIB
  • PSJS-215 Literacies & Justice (3)

    This course will explore notions of literacy and literacies, helping students broaden their understanding of what these terms might signify. Through a focus on where and how education happens, students will examine fundamental issues of identity and social justice.

    Attributes: YLIB
    Restrictions: Including: -Class: Freshman
  • PSJS-230 P3 Sustainability Today (3)

    The course critically examines a range of perspectives on sustainability and the analytical tools and practices needed for sustainable development. Students explore the relationship between sustainability and current patterns of consumption, analyze the impact a community’s consumption patterns has on a region’s “carrying capacity,” and consider sustainable alternatives in energy, farming, fishing, forestry, and “smart-growth” land use. Students also consider their own attitudes toward consumption and sustainability and examine the kinds of decision-making models, public policies, and behavioral changes needed to initiate sustainable practices locally and globally.

    Attributes: P3 YLIB
  • PSJS-250P P5 Soc Change Thru Service (3)

    This course explores the ways public service promotes social justice and creates positive and meaningful social change in communities. Students explore what it means to serve others through citizen activism and involvement, and compare and contrast different service-learning models with respect to issues of poverty, race and gender. Students enhance their learning through a 20-hour service learning project at a Rochester-area service site. Experience at the site is reflected upon through written assignments, class discussions, and presentations.

    Attributes: P5 YLIB ZCIV
  • PSJS-260P P5 Global Issues in P&SJ (3)

    Through a series of articles, case studies, and films, the course will explore global issues in peace and social justice from an international perspective. Areas of study will include international politics and economics, poverty and hunger, differences in cultural norms and values, warfare and terrorism, and the possibilities for world peace. In engaging these issues, students will become globally educated citizens, critically engaging other cultures while developing respectful and realistic approaches to the pressing problems that threaten human existence.

    Attributes: ISFS P5 YLIB
  • PSJS-270 CC Ethics & World Ecology (3)

    This course explores the intersection of ethics, ecology, and religion as they play out in differing cultural contexts. Attention will focus understanding the current ecological state of the planet, and the part religion and ethics play in shaping human attitudes and rules of conduct for environmental care and preservation. Through the works of key religious and ecological ethics thinkers from around the world, students will examine how they employ different perceptions of the environment and different ethical and religious views to resolve major environmental challenges that affect us all.

    Attributes: CC ISFS YLIB
  • PSJS-496 Independent Study (1 TO 3)

    Students may initiate and carry out a proposal or project for independent work to complete the ethics minor under the supervision of a member of the Ethics Minor Advisory Committee. Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.

    Attributes: YLIB

Ethics (Minor)

For More Information

Dr. Linda MacCammon
(585) 385-8363

(585) 385-8064