
Carolyn Vacca (History), Chair

The museum studies certificate program provides a broad academic approach to the study of museum operation and the museum experience within the context of the liberal arts. The program offers a balanced presentation of the challenges of selecting, maintaining, and interpreting material culture.  The theoretical, academic approach of the liberal arts and sciences is emphasized, but practical applications of this knowledge in preparation for careers in museums are also included.

Students in the NYS certificate program include those who plan to pursue graduate work in museum studies or immediate work in the field; those who are currently in an allied field (American studies, anthropology, history, arts, education) and wish to enhance their studies; those pursuing a career in education who want more alternatives in their careers; and those who are presently or have been involved with museum work, but not currently a matriculated student, who wish to broaden their academic training in the field.

The program provides a balanced presentation of the challenges and opportunities of presenting our rich material culture heritage. The significant work/internship that is part of the certificate requirements gives the student practical exposure to the work of a museum, archive, or historic site, and in so doing better prepares the student for work experience. The program also provides a basis for post-graduate studies in one of the many graduate programs in museum studies.

Coursework for the certificate may be used toward a student’s requirements in satisfaction of the major and/or the minor. Students interested in the certificate should contact Dr. Vacca to plan the scheduling of their coursework, especially the internship experience.

Museum Studies (Certificate)

For More Information

(585) 385-8064