
  • DIGC-158 P4 Int Computational Media (3)

    Students will explore the creative possibilities of code and gain a working knowledge of variables, conditionals, loops, functions and objects as they learn the fundamentals of procedural thought. In different semesters, this course may focus on the design and creation of computer graphics, mobile apps, computational objects, or web applications. No previous programming experience assumed. Cross listed with CSCI 158.

    Attributes: P4 YLIB
    Restrictions: Excluding: -Class: Senior
  • DIGC-171 P3 Video Game History (3)

    Computer and video games have a history that now spans more than a half a century, and already includes dramatic changes due to both technology and culture. This course will explore this history, looking particularly at key titles, cultural impacts and influences, and important moments of technological innovation. Students will also learn about the unique challenges and opportunities of studying the history of gaming, both through their own work and through an exploration of the video game archives at Strong Museum of Play.

    Attributes: P3 YLIB
  • DIGC-181 LC Intro Digital Studies (3)

    The class will consider the effect of digital technologies on culture. Students will read essays by new media theorists and write their own critiques of technology, while completing creative projects (utilizing video, photography, social media, mobile phones, blogs and programming) related to several majors themes: coding, collaboration, community, curation, ubiquitous computing, and data.

    Attributes: LC YLIB
  • DIGC-199C RW Research-based Writing (3)

    Students learn the basics of writing an academic research paper in this discipline. Emphasis is on elements of persuasive argumentation, the inclusion of more than one perspective on an issue, the proper use and documentation of sources, and revision. Students also learn how to make an effective oral presentation of their research. Department-determined topic may change from semester to semester and is likely to include literary texts as primary materials.

    Restricted to freshmen and transfers.

    Note: 199C courses may not be taken for credit more than once.

    » Spring Research-based Writing (199) Courses & Topic Descriptions [pdf]

    Attributes: RW YLIB
    Restrictions: Including: -Class: Freshman, Sophomore
  • DIGC-240 P4 The Networked World (3)

    This course will examine the particular issues surrounding the network structure of relationships, and how that structure impacts our experience of and study of various entities, including search engines, social networks, the spread of technologies and the spread of viruses (both human and computer).

    Attributes: P4 YLIB
  • DIGC-245 SQ Visualizing Data (3)

    This course introduces design and statistical principles as well as programming languages and tools for exploring, analyzing, and displaying information. Students will gain an understanding of the role of data visualizations in analyzing complex data and societal trends.

    Attributes: SQ YLIB
  • DIGC-258 Intro Physical Computing (3)

    Physical computing can be defined as interactive physical systems built using hardware and software that can “sense” the world, helping us to redefine how we interact with technology. Tools like the Arduino and the Lilypad wearable microprocessor can be programmed to use a variety of sensors to detect the world and respond in particular ways, and can lead to the invention of new devices, nontraditional means to communicate with the web, and wearable computing (such as clothing that illuminates based on lighting conditions in a room). This course will teach students the basics for working with these systems, including an introduction to using the hardware (wiring, soldering, etc.) and the software (coding in the Arduino development environment). By the end of the course students will complete an interactive physical computing artifact. Cross listed with ARTS 258

    Attributes: YLIB
    Pre-requisites: CSCI-158 D- OR DIGC-158 D- OR CSCI-161 D-
  • DIGC-259 P1 Interaction Art (3)

    In Interaction Art and the Technological Imagination, students study video art, computer graphics, and data-based installations. To produce this creative work, students will learn to manipulate video at the pixel level; develop skills to collect and visualize data gathered via social media APIs; and experiment with alternative interfaces for screen-based art and live performance. Cross-listed with ARTS 259. Formerly titled: P1 Algorithmic & Data Art

    Attributes: P1 YLIB
    Pre-requisites: CSCI-158 D- OR CSCI-161 D- OR DIGC-158 D-
  • DIGC-265 P1 Tpc: Digital Cultures (3)

    This course will cover topics not otherwise offered in the interdisciplinary field of digital cultures, with a focus on artistic production. Courses topics will vary, and may include 3-D Modeling, Animation, Writing for Games.

    Spring 2018 Topic: 3-D Modeling. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of design, while modeling assets and scenery in 3D using Blender. Class will cover use of the software as well as outputting to different media. Projects will provide practice in design, composition, texturing, lighting, and rendering. Students will also consider the cultural and aesthetic implications of 3-D design.

    Attributes: P1 YLIB
  • DIGC-267 P4 Tpc: Digital Tech (3)

    This course will cover topics not otherwise offered in the interdisciplinary field of digital technologies. Courses topics will vary, and may include include: AI for Games and Game Modding. This course may be repeated with a different topic.

    Fall 2017 Topic: Game Modding Game modding, the opening up of a game system to allow end users to modify (mod) it, follows the web 2.0 trend of allowing users increasing control over and customization opportunities with the technologies they use. This course explores the modding trend as part of a fundamental shift in how we think about and interact with technology. Students will learn the basics of Java and create their own mods in Minecraft.

    Attributes: P4 YLIB
  • DIGC-271 Video Game Design I (3)

    This course acts as an introduction to the basics of game design. Students will develop a theoretically grounded understanding of the game design process, including developing a theme, understanding genre conventions, and designing for an audience. The course will culminate with the development of a simple digital game.

    Attributes: YLIB
  • DIGC-371 Video Game Design II (3)

    This course extends the conceptual framework developed in Video Game Design I. Students will learn to use a game engine and work through all stages of the game design process, including concept development, design, implementation, play-testing, and deployment. The final product for this course will be a multistage game.

    Attributes: YLIB
    Pre-requisites: DIGC-271 D-
  • DIGC-475 Children&Creative Learnng (3)

    Students will read and evaluate philosophies and techniques of teaching coding and technology skills to children, with a focus on constructivist methods. A significant portion of the class will require students to prepare, teach, and serve as mentors to middle-school students attending a summer camp at St. John Fisher focusing on coding and/or video game design. The camp will be held for one week in late July for several hours each day and students will be expected to attend all sessions, in addition to the regular classroom meetings held in the weeks prior to and immediately after the camp week.

    Attributes: YLIB
  • DIGC-480 Technology and Pedagogy I (2)

    Students will read and evaluate philosophies and techniques of teaching coding and technology skills to undergraduates. The class will meet informally, focusing on the students’ experiential work as a lab assistant, attending most (if not all) of a specified class throughout the semester and providing tutoring during open lab periods.

    Attributes: NLIB
    Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, Senior
  • DIGC-481 Technology and Pedagogy II (1)

    Students will continue their experience as a lab assistant that began in DIGC 480, attending most (if not all) of a specified class throughout the semester and providing tutoring during open lab periods.

    Attributes: NLIB
    Pre-requisites: DIGC-480 D-
    Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, Senior
  • DIGC-490 Senior Project (3)

    The class will function as a team that develops a web-based project for public use. Students will utilize skills in web and game development, graphic design, writing, and research, and will be expected to design and complete a usability study and present their work to an audience. Formerly titled: DIGC Senior Project

    Attributes: YLIB ZCAP ZEXL
    Pre-requisites: (DIGC-158 D- OR CSCI-158 D- OR CSCI-161 D-) AND (COMM-269 D- OR COMM-369 D-)
    Restrictions: Including: -Class: Senior
  • DIGC-495 Internship (1 TO 3)

    This course allows qualified students to gain professional experience in areas related to Digital Cultures and Technologies. The program maintains a list of internships, or students may find their own opportunities, subject to the approval of the Internship Director. Interns generally work 10 hours a week and complete additional requirements, including attending meetings with the Internship Director, writing progress reports, and creating a portfolio. Permission of the Internship Director is required to register.

    Attributes: YLIB ZEXL
    Restrictions: Including: -Class: Junior, Senior
  • DIGC-496 Independent Study (1 TO 3)

    Under faculty direction, qualified students may undertake an in-depth study of particular topic in digital cultures and technologies. Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.

    Attributes: YLIB
  • DIGC-498H Honors Thesis (1 TO 3)

    Qualified Digital Cultures and Technologies majors develop a research project that will result in a traditional or multimodal thesis. Projects will be presented and defended. Students will be advised by the honors committee, consisting of a Digital Cultures and Technologies faculty advisor and one additional faculty member who may come from outside of the DIGC program. The intent to pursue an honors thesis must be declared before the senior year. Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial form is required for registration.

    Attributes: YLIB
    Restrictions: Including: -Major: Digital Cultures and Technol -Class: Senior

Digital Cultures and Technologies

For More Information

(585) 385-8064