PHYS-1ZZ Transfer course (3 TO 4)
Attributes: YLIBPHYS-111C P4 Intro to Astronomy (3)
This course examines the origin, structure, and properties of our universe, galaxy, solar system, and Earth. Topics will include evolution of the universe, types of stars and galaxies, and gravitational properties of space, as well as an in-depth look at our solar system. Students analyze data to infer the characteristics of the universe, our solar system, and Earth. A study of how space is viewed from Earth and the implications of the motion of Earth through the solar system is an important component of the course.
Attributes: P4 YLIBPHYS-112C P4 Topics Modern Astronomy (3)
This course is an introduction to our current understanding of the structure and evolution of stars and galaxies. Topics in cosmology are treated as time permits.
Attributes: P4 YLIBPHYS-113C P4 Physics Modern Tech (3)
A course primarily for non-science majors. Topics to be covered: Compact disks, radio-carbon dating, electron microscope, medical imaging, energy, flat-panel displays, time and navigation, greenhouse effect, smart cards, and optical communication. The mathematical level is kept at a minimum. Applications and basic underlying principles are stressed.
Attributes: P4 YLIBPHYS-114C P4 Technologies&Phys Prin (3)
A course primarily for non-science majors. Topics to be covered: Analogue (film) and digital cameras, Hubble space telescope, ozone and the atmosphere, high-definition television (HDTV), AM and FM radio transmission and reception, fax machines, Internet and the World Wide Web, engines, fuel cells, nanotechnology, physics of spaceflight, and physics of weather. The mathematical level is kept at a minimum. The emphasis is on applications and fundamental principles, as in PHYS 113C.
Attributes: P4 YLIBPHYS-121C P4 Intro Physics I (0 OR 4)
An introduction to mechanics, waves, and heat. Includes the mechanics of fluids, kinetic theory of gases, and vibration and sound. Uses some calculus. Designed for students majoring in Biology. Note: Chemistry and Mathematics students are advised to take PHYS 131C, 132C.Must also register for lab section.
Attributes: P4 YLIBPHYS-122C P4 Intro Physics II (0 OR 4)
An introduction to electricity and magnetism, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. Includes some DC and AC circuits, optical instruments, the theory of the atom, and radioactivity. Uses some calculus. Designed for students majoring in Biology. Note: Chemistry and Mathematics students are advised to take PHYS 131C, 132C.Must also register for lab section.
Attributes: P4 YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-121C D-PHYS-131C P4 General Physics I (0 OR 4)
An introduction to kinematics, dynamics, waves, fluid mechanics, sound, thermodynamics, and kinetic theory.Must also register for lab section.
Attributes: P4 YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-120C Y D- OR MATH-120C TRPHYS-132C P4 General Physics II (0 TO 4)
An introduction to electricity and magnetism, interference and diffraction of light, and some topics in quantum and atomic physics. Must also register for lab section.
Attributes: P4 YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-122C Y D- AND PHYS-131C N D-PHYS-141 General Physics Workshop I (4)
PHYS 141 is the first part of a two-semester course in general physics. The course is an introduction to basic mechanics, waves, heat, forces, energy, properties of matter, and thermodynamics in applications-based contexts. The course is taught in a workshop style with hands-on learning during each meeting.
Attributes: YLIBPHYS-142 General Physics Workshop II (4)
PHYS 142 is the second part of a two-semester course in general physics. The course serves as an introduction to electricity and magnetism, interference and diffraction of light, some topics in quantum and atomic physics, optics, and statistical physics in application-based contexts. The course is taught in a workshop style to allow hands-on learning in each class meeting.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-141 D- OR PHYS-121C D- OR PHYS-131C D-PHYS-143 General Physics Wrkshp III (4)
The course will take a deeper study into electricity and magnetism, interference and diffraction of light, some topics in quantum and atomic physics, optics, and statistical physics in application-based contexts using the principles of calculus. The course will be taught in a workshop style to allow hands-on learning in each class meeting.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-141 D- AND PHYS-142 D-PHYS-150 Physics Seminar I (1)
This seminar will provide an overview of the SJF physics program and introduction to calculus based physics studies. Students will become more familiar with the breadth and depth of the field of physics with a focus on topics of growing importance to scientists today as well as the physics of everyday life. The personal characteristics, skills, and attitudes that contribute to academic and professional success will also be introduced and the benefits of a physics degree for jobs and graduate or professional school will be discussed.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-141 D-PHYS-211L Modern Physics I Lab (1)
A laboratory course in which well-known experiments are performed on atomic systems. The experiments are designed to illustrate some limitations of classical theory.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-211 Y D-PHYS-211 Modern Physics I (4)
An elementary introduction to quantum mechanics, the wave function, and the Schrödinger equation. The course covers atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, and atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-221C Y D- AND PHYS-132C N D-PHYS-212L Modern Physics II Lab (1)
A continuation of Physics 211L with emphasis on basic experiments which are interpreted in terms of the quantum theory.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-212 Y D-PHYS-212 Modern Physics II (4)
This course covers statistical mechanics and quantum statistics (with applications), special relativity theory, nuclear physics, and elementary particles.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-211 D- AND MATH-222 Y D-PHYS-221 Circuit Analysis (4)
An introduction to linear circuits. Topics include: Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws; Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems; controlled sources; mesh and node analysis; superposition; operational amplifiers; energy storage elements; first and second order circuits; phasors; complex impedance; AC steady state analysis; power; the frequency spectrum and Fourier analysis; frequency response; poles and zeros of T(s); and Bode plots.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-132 D- AND MATH-122C D-PHYS-222 Electronics (4)
An introduction to semiconductor devices and applications. Devices include diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, and integrated circuits. Applications are to rectifiers and power supplies, transistor biasing and small signal models, low frequency amplifiers, feedback, and operational amplifiers.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-221 D-PHYS-231 Statics (3)
An intermediate course in statics, with emphasis on engineering applications. Covers equilibrium of a particle, equivalent force systems, equilibrium of a rigid body, structural analysis, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia for an area.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-132C D- AND MATH-221C Y D-PHYS-232 Strength of Materials (3)
An introduction to the mechanics of solids with emphasis on engineering applications. Covers displacement, deformation, strain, stress, stress-strain relations, and elastic and inelastic materials. Includes extension, twisting, bending of bars, and deflection of beams.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-231 D-PHYS-301 Analytical Mechanics (3)
An intermediate course in classical mechanics, dealing with the motion of particles and rigid bodies in the Newtonian formulation. Includes an introduction to the Lagrangian mechanics and the theory of small vibrations.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-221C D- AND MATH-222 D- AND PHYS-132C D-PHYS-305 Biomechanics (3)
This course will give students an introduction to the basic mechanical principles of human movement and exercise. Topics in kinematics and kinetics will be examined and applied to strength/conditioning, movement enhancement, as well as coaching and injury prevention and rehabilitation.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-141 C- AND BIOL-131 C- AND BIOL-132 C-PHYS-311 Geometrical Optics (0 OR 4)
Introduction to the theory of optical instruments, with emphasis on systems of thin lenses. The course covers image formulation, the analysis and synthesis of optical systems, aberrations, and the principles of lens design.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-132C D- AND MATH-222 D-PHYS-332 Physical Optics (0 OR 4)
Introduction to the wave properties of light, including a discussion of the propagation of electromagnetic waves and interference. Fraunhofer and Frensel diffraction, and polarized light, contemporary optics, and quantum properties of radiation.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-132C D- AND MATH-222 D-PHYS-333 Math Methods Physics I (3)
The first of a two-semester sequence in applied mathematics for the physical sciences and engineering. The course content will be derived from the following list of topics: vector calculus; tensor analysis; functions of a complex variable; solutions of partial differential equations; eigenvalue problems; Fourier series; Laplace and Fourier transforms; calculus of variations; and properties of some special functions.Cross-listed with MATH 333.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-221C D- AND MATH-222 D-PHYS-334 Math Methods Physics II (3)
A continuation of PHYS 333. Cross-listed with MATH 334.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-333 D- OR MATH-333 D-PHYS-341 Electricity & Magnetism I (3)
An intermediate-level course using vector methods to develop the properties of electric and magnetic fields. Topics include the electric field and potential, multipoles, dielectrics, boundary value problems, the magnetic induction, the vector potential, and electromagnetic induction. Concurrent registration in PHYS 333 is advised.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-221C D- AND MATH-222 D- AND PHYS-132C D-PHYS-342L Electricity & Magnetism Lab (1)
Experimental investigations are performed in a laboratory of optical phenomena such as reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference, lasers and coherence, and the use of instruments such as Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometers. Three hours per week in the laboratory.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-221C D- AND MATH-222 D- AND PHYS-132C D-PHYS-342 Electricity&Magnetism II (3)
Maxwell’s equations are developed and applied to the reflection and refraction of plane waves, wave guides, resonant cavities, and radiation.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-341 D-PHYS-365 Thermodynamics (3)
Includes the following list of topics: statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, equilibrium between phases, quantum statistics of ideal gases, systems of interacting particles, and transport theory.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-132CPHYS-424 Special Topics (1 TO 4)
This course provides the student with the opportunity to investigate specialized topics of either an experimental or a theoretical nature (e.g., lasers, general relativity, optical instruments). The program is designed to fit the student’s interests and may include any or all of the following activities: seminars, literature search, or experimentation.
Attributes: YLIB
Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.PHYS-451 Quantum Mechanics I (3)
An introduction to quantum mechanics presented chiefly from the Schrödinger viewpoint. It includes a thorough treatment of elementary problems in one dimension, such as the harmonic oscillator, and development of the formalism of quantum mechanics.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: MATH-221C D- AND MATH-222 D- AND PHYS-212 D-PHYS-452 Quantum Mechanics II (3)
This course treats the one-electron atom in some detail, and it also covers the elements of angular momentum algebra, the Pauli theory of electron spin, and approximation methods. The elements of scattering theory and a brief introduction to relativistic quantum theory are included. Applications are made to atomic, nuclear, solid-state, and plasma physics.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: PHYS-451 D-PHYS-498 Phys Independent Research (1 TO 4)
Research on an original problem in physics is carried out under the direction of a department faculty member. Training in research methods, use of the scientific literature, and evaluation of data are emphasized. A student may register for 1 to 4 credit hours in a given semester. At least once during the course of the project, the student will report orally on his or her work before the department faculty and students. Upon completion of the project, the results will be presented in the form of a written research report. Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.
Attributes: YLIB