
  • GSED-501 Incl Ed in Today’s Schools (3)

    Designed as an overview of special education, this course will examine the etiologies and characteristics of the various disability categories. Candidates will study topics such as the right to an education, inclusion and collaboration, federal legislation, disability and the family, disability and diversity, assistive technology, and transition and preparation for adult life. Candidates will begin to focus on integrating educational technologies in the classroom.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-502 Methods & Strategies (3)

    This course will examine methods for teaching students with learning differences and diverse backgrounds. Although the methods presented in the course will be appropriate for students in a variety of settings, emphasis will be placed on inclusive teaching. Topics include foundation support and collaboration, academic instruction, adaptations, building a classroom community, responding proactively to students’ emotional and behavioral challenges, and building family partnerships. All candidates will know and understand how to use technology in culturally and politically responsible ways.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-516 C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-508 Behavior Mgmt – Childhood (3)

    This course is designed around the importance of constructing and implementing general and individual management strategies to learners with special needs. It will focus on establishing a caring, stimulating, and safe community for learning where democratic values are fostered, diversity is embraced, and students assume responsibility for learning. Beginning with theoretical foundations of classroom management, it will examine the causes of student misbehavior and the development of proactive, problem-solving approaches. Candidates will explore instructional strategies to enhance teaching and learning for all students.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-501 C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-512 Behavior Mgmt-Adolescence (3)

    This course is designed around the importance of constructing and implementing general and individual management strategies to learners with special needs. It will focus on establishing a caring, stimulating, and safe community for learning where democratic values are fostered, diversity is embraced, and students assume responsibility for learning. Beginning with theoretical foundations of classroom management, it will examine the causes of student misbehavior, and the development of proactive, problem-solving approaches. Candidates will explore instructional strategies to enhance teaching and learning for all students.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-501 C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-515 Ed Tech B-6 (3)

    The use of technology to improve instructional practice is an essential skill for all teachers. This course is designed to support teacher candidates in developing a knowledge and skill base in educational and assistive technology. The long term goal is to ensure future teachers can make effective use of available technologies to enhance cognitive and physical development, differentiated instruction and planning, to improve personal productivity, and to support all students, including students with ELN, fully in a learning environment. This course teaches students to locate, use and adapt a variety of assistive technology devices and software tools and to apply these technologies in a wide range of integrated educational settings. The use of assistive technology as it relates to education, communication, social engagement, recreation, and mobility for individuals with disabilities will be explored.

    Attributes: TGSE
  • GSED-516 Assessment Diag & Eval (3)

    By reviewing the legal provisions in current federal and New York State regulations and guidelines regarding assessment of individuals with disabilities, candidates will come to understand their moral and professional responsibilities as special educators. Topics that will be reviewed include the use of technology and assessment tools appropriate for screening, pre-referral, referral, identification, and classification of children and adolescents with special needs. Topics related to the overrepresentation of students of color in certain disability categories will be explored. The application and interpretation of various other types of assessment strategies will also be covered to assist candidates in making appropriate instructional decisions.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-501 C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-531 C,I&A Math, Science, Tech (3)

    This course is a thorough and comprehensive study of national and state curriculum and assessment standards in mathematics, science, and technology. Candidates will study standards for teaching mathematics and science. Additionally, the relative merits of various modes of instructional deliveries, including inquiry-based lessons, lectures, demonstrations, activities, projects, small-group work, and large-group work, will be discussed and analyzed. Other instructional issues include effective use of time and establishing inquiry-based classroom discourse. Assessment issues include the purposes of assessment and methods of assessment. Candidates will be required to prepare a thematic mathematics, science, and technology unit of study.

    Attributes: TGSE
  • GSED-555 Field Exp III: Child SPED (0)

    This 50-hour field experience is designed to introduce candidates to working with diverse learners with exceptional learning needs in the context of full-class inclusive and/or special education settings at the childhood level. It will provide initial certification candidates the opportunity to practice integrating technology, classroom knowledge, and skills under the guidance of practicing school-based educators. Graded S/U.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-501 C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-556 Field Exp III: Adol SPED (0)

    This 50-hour field experience is designed to introduce candidates to working with diverse learners with exceptional learning needs in the context of full-class inclusive and/or special education settings at the adolescence level. It will provide initial certification candidates the opportunity to practice integrating technology, classroom knowledge, and skills under the guidance of practicing school-based educators. Graded S/U.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-501 C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-585 Stu Teach Sem:Child SPED (0)

    The Student Teaching Seminar is a required class that meets weekly during the student teaching semester for a minimum of one and a half hours per week. It provides an opportunity for student teachers to share insights and experiences, as well as feedback and guidance to make the student teaching experience most successful. The seminar will also bring in field experts from diverse backgrounds to engage candidates in a variety of timely topics, including but not limited to effective planning, instruction, assessment, and classroom management; social justice in education; integrating technology to enhance teaching and learning; and critical issues relating to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Graded S/U.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-590 Y S
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-586 Stu Teach Sem:Adol SPED (0)

    The Student Teaching Seminar is a required class that meets weekly during the student teaching semester for a minimum of one and a half hours per week. It provides an opportunity for student teachers to share insights and experiences, as well as feedback and guidance to make the student teaching experience most successful. The seminar will also bring in field experts from diverse backgrounds to engage candidates in a variety of timely topics, including but not limited to effective planning, instruction, assessment, and classroom management; social justice in education; integrating technology to enhance teaching and learning; and critical issues relating to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Graded S/U.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-591 Y S
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-590 Stu Teach:SPED/Childhood (6)

    Student teaching is a culminating practical experience of the program. The purpose of student teaching is to provide an opportunity for candidates to learn, apply, and demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a variety of settings appropriate to the content and level of their program. Candidates are expected to demonstrate proficiencies that support learning by all students; skills for working with colleagues, parents, families, and communities; and the use of technology and information literacy to support instruction and learning. Student teaching consists of 14 weeks of full-time work in local schools. Candidates will have two assignments: one in a general education setting and one in a special education setting. One assignment will be in grades 1-3 and the other in grades 4-6. One of the seven-week placements must be in a high-needs school. Graded S/U.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-585 Y S
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-591 Stu Teach:SPED/Adolescence (6)

    Student teaching is a culminating practical experience of the program. The purpose of student teaching is to provide an opportunity for candidates to learn, apply, and demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a variety of settings appropriate to the content and level of their program. Candidates are expected to demonstrate proficiencies that support learning by all students; skills for working with colleagues, parents, families, and communities; and the use of technology and information literacy to support instruction and learning. Student teaching consists of 14 weeks of full-time work in local schools. Candidates will have two assignments: one in a general education setting and one in a special education setting. One assignment will be in grades 7-9 and the other in grades 10-12. One of the seven-week placements must be in a high-needs school. Graded S/U.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-586 Y C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-601 Found & Policy in SPED (3)

    No other area of practice in education is more influenced and controlled by public policy, law, and litigation. Administrators are often asked to adjudicate on matters about special education referrals and consider placement, provision, and extent of special education services to students who may qualify under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. All of these highly-impactful decisions are governed by federal and state law through court decisions. This course is an advanced study of federal and state legislation with discussion on litigation involving with students with disabilities between the ages of birth-21 years. Students will be exposed to historical and current legislation used as a basis for providing special education services. Students will become knowledgeable about the legal precedence for relevant topics in the field of special education.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: -
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-602 Eval Incl Pract, Clrms, PD (3)

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 20 U.S.C.& 1400,et.seq (2004), the federal law which governs special education, places a high priority on inclusive practices by mandating a least restrictive environment for students with disabilities. The reality of inclusion for students with disabilities is that instructional practices and services are defined and delivered differently from school to school. Therefore, it is essential that administrators have a deep understanding of the philosophy of inclusion and be able to effectively research and weave inclusion into the fabric of the school culture. This course is a study of the interaction between curriculum pedagogy, instructional delivery, and professional development to allow prospective or current leaders the opportunity to practice evaluating the effectiveness of inclusion in a school. Students will critically examine the quality of instructional practice, environments, and in-service programs that are sustained by district-level planning in order to enhance the capacity to maintain more inclusive environments for students with disabilities.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: -
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-605 Mangment of St. with Disab (3)

    Schools have a legal responsibility to ensure that all students receive a safe and appropriate education. Specific to students with disabilities, these guidelines are defined by the most recent Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C ? 1400 (2004) and regulated by the New York State Education Department in the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Parts 1 and 2 . School leaders must be aware of the vast complexity of student discipline cases and have knowledge about federal laws and state regulations that inform district supports and discipline procedures for students with disabilities. This course is a review of the New York State Education Department regulations that address procedural safeguards for students with disabilities subject to discipline. Students will become familiar with district-wide initiatives used to support student behavior and examine data and literature to determine effectiveness of those approaches. Students will be exposed to complex student behavioral challenges that warrant administration intervention and will learn best practices for responding and building capacity to support an inclusive, culturally-responsive school environment

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: -
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-617 Seminar in SPED Leadership (3)

    This course is designed to provide educators an opportunity to gain direct experience in areas related to special education leadership. The course requires students to complete a 50 hour field work experience in a school district with a school leader responsible for special education programming. In addition, students are expected to participate in an online seminar offered concurrently with the field experience. The seminar offers additional instruction and feedback to support the field work experience. The main goals of the seminar are to: 1) strengthen skills in the areas of problem analysis, data collection; 2) experience key challenges in the field such as CSE management, behavioral challenges, related services, placement of students with disabilities; and 3) improve school/community relations. Additionally, the seminar will offer opportunities to practice interpretation and use of statistical data particularly for school improvement planning, curriculum development, student and program evaluation, staff development, scheduling, and the uses of technology.

    Attributes: TGSE ZCLX ZEXL
    Pre-requisites: GSED-601 C AND GSED-602 C AND GSED-605 C
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate
  • GSED-630 Tch Students Sev/ Mult Dis (3)

    This course introduces current issues in teaching students with severe or multiple disabilities with complex learning needs. Several topics are addressed, including historical contexts and perspectives on severe disability; benefits of, and barriers to, inclusive settings; relevant laws and legislation; characteristics of students with severe or multiple disabilities; classification processes and policies; issues of labeling; family issues; and the importance of early identification and intervention. Candidates will examine shifts in paradigms and practices; discuss the inclusion/standards debate; and analyze current trends and issues in the field.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-631 Y C AND GSED-632 Y C
  • GSED-631 Assess & Trans Planning (3)

    This course prepares teacher candidates in the area of assessment, diagnosis and evaluation of students with severe or multiple disabilities, from early identification through transition to adulthood. Several topics are addressed including legal policies and practices in assessment; informal, formal and alternative assessment; outcomes-based assessment; role of diagnostician/assessor on CSE planning teams; collaborative partnerships with families for the benefit of students with severe or multiple disabilities; interagency collaboration birth through transition; self-determination and person-centered planning through school; transition legislation and policy; and post-secondary education, employment, community living and human service supports.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-630 Y C AND GSED-632 Y C
  • GSED-632 Comm Supp, Interv, & Tech (3)

    This course prepares teacher candidates in the area of communication supports for students with severe or multiple disabilities. The focus is on full academic and social inclusion in school, home and community. Several topics are addressed including language development; roles of, and collaboration with, speech and language professionals; total communication systems; augmentative and alternative communication; assistive and instructional technology; seating and mobility supports; building social relationships; cooperative learning; self-advocacy; and current issues in the field.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-630 Y C AND GSED-631 Y C
  • GSED-633 Curr, Inst and IEP Dev (3)

    This course prepares teacher candidates to develop and provide varied inclusive, standards-based instruction for students with severe or multiple disabilities with complex support needs in the general education setting, with access to the general education curriculum. Several topics are addressed, including working as part of an integrated team; family-centered planning; adaptation, modification and development of instructional methods and materials; integrating creative arts in instruction; integrating developmental therapies in instruction; accessing typical school and community activities; building peer relationships; and cooperative learning.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-630 C AND GSED-631 C AND GSED-632 C AND GSED-634 Y C AND GSED-635 Y C
  • GSED-634 Pos Beh Supp & Interv (3)

    This course prepares teacher candidates to provide positive behavioral supports and interventions for students with severe or multiple disabilities. Several topics are covered, including the PBIS model and research; legal and ethical considerations; planning and managing learning environments; conflict resolution; peer mediation; prosocial behavior; skill streaming; cooperative learning; mental health supports and interventions; trauma informed care; crisis situations; and collaboration with families.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-630 C AND GSED-631 C AND GSED-632 C AND GSED-633 Y C AND GSED-635 Y C
  • GSED-635 Practicum in Sev or Mult (3)

    Candidates will complete a college-supervised practicum (minimum of 50 clock hours) in a setting teaching students with severe or multiple disabilities. Teaching activities to be completed include planning and instruction of students; management of classroom; collaboration with other professionals and families for the benefit of students with severe or multiple disabilities. In addition, an action research project will be conducted. The final paper and project will be presented in an evaluative forum. This practicum is graded S/U.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: GSED-630 C AND GSED-631 C AND GSED-632 C AND GSED-633 Y C AND GSED-634 Y C
  • GSED-696 Independent Study (1 TO 3)

    An opportunity to explore an area not regularly offered in the program. Independent Study Authorization form is required.

    Attributes: TGSE
    Pre-requisites: -
    Restrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate

Master of Science in Special Education: Severe or Multiple Disabilities

For More Information

(585) 385-8064