Program Requirements

Science Scholars Program Requirements
Required Courses
Designated LC course Freshman science scholars are enrolled in the appropriate Learning Community (3)
SSCH 111 Freshman Science Scholars Seminar (1)
SSCH 210 Sophomore Science Scholars Seminar
This 0.5 credit course is repeated, for a total of one credit.
DEPT 199C RW Research-Based Writing
Students complete a DEPT 199C course related to a specific topic. The program director will post a list of approved courses.
SSCH 310 Junior Science Scholars Seminar (1)
SSCH 399 Research Proposal Development (1)
SSCH 498 Research
Students complete a total of three credits of independent research. This can be done in a single semester, usually in the fall of the senior year, for three credits, or over two semesters (two credits in fall, one credit in spring).
SSCH 499 Research Reporting (1)
Total (14)

Science Scholars Program

For More Information

(585) 385-8064