Program Requirements

Required Courses in the Data Science Minor

The minor in data science consists of the following:

Required courses (12)
STAT 160 P4 Intro to Data Science
Choose one: CSCI 260 Introduction to Databases
CSCI 353 Database Structures
STAT 345 Exploratory Data Analysis
STAT 375 Data Analysis and Statistical Computing
Electives (6)
While students may choose any two of the following elective courses in consultation with their major advisor or director of the statistics program, the following electives are suggested by corresponding major.
Media and Communication
COMM 349 Media Management and Economics
COMM 363 Media Research and Analytics
COMM 445 Advanced Media Management Research
Computer Science
CSCI 385 Data Mining
Digital Cultures and Technologies
COMM 363 Media Research and Analytics
DIGC 240 P4 The Networked World
DIGC 245 SQ Visualizing Data
ECON 314 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 402 Introduction to Game Theory
MATH 130 SQ Mathematical Modeling and Quantitative Analysis
MGMT 345 Applied Management Research
PSYC 204 Advanced Statistics
STAT 270 Meta-analysis
STAT 390 Special Topics in Statistics
SOCI 280 Social Research Methods
STAT 270 Meta-analysis
STAT 390 Special Topics in Statistics
Sport Management
SPST 320 Sport Marketing and Promotions
SPST 330 Economics of Sport
Total (18)

Program Notes:

  • Statistics majors may not minor in data science.
  • Only two courses applied to a student's major may also be used to satisfy a requirement in the minor.
  • A grade point average of 2.00 is required for all courses taken in residence that may be applied to the minor.

Data Science (Minor)

For More Information

(585) 385-8064