Catalog and Degree Requirements
Students will be certified for graduation based on completion of the degree requirements in force in the catalog under which they were admitted to the College in matriculated status unless otherwise noted. Requests to change to a subsequent catalog must be submitted in writing to the Registrar’s Office. Graduate program directors have the discretion and authority to make course substitutions or modifications to ensure the integrity of their programs.
The time frame for degree completion includes the time spent in non-matriculated status. For programs requiring fewer than 60 credits, a student must finish the degree within six years of completion of the first Fisher graduate course. For programs requiring 60 or more credits, students must finish the degree within eight years of completion of the first Fisher graduate course. Only the program director and provost or his designee can grant exceptions. Students granted extensions may be required to repeat certain previously taken courses.
Leave of Absence
Students whose progress is interrupted due to an approved leave of absence will continue to follow their original catalog upon their return to the College. If the program has been substantially modified, graduate program directors have the discretion and authority to make course substitutions or modifications to ensure the integrity of their programs and facilitate the transition of these students or to require that the students follow the program requirements in the catalog in force when the students return to the College.