A student must be registered to earn credit for a course in the semester in which the course is taken. New students course-register prior to the first day of classes; returning students course-register during the current semester for the following semester.
Registration takes place in November for the spring semester and April for the summer and fall semesters when students course-register using Fish ‘R’ Net (the College’s web-based student information system). This process generates a tuition bill for which payment is due approximately one month before the semester begins. Students who have not made arrangements to pay their tuition may be dropped from their courses and will be subject to both a Late Payment fee of up to $200 and a Reinstatement fee of $300.
Ultimately, the student is responsible for all registration, add, drop, and withdrawal activities on his or her record at the College. Registration should be done at the earliest opportunity to minimize the chance of being closed out of a course and to ensure that the College has accurate enrollment numbers to use in course-related decisions. Students may attend only classes in which they are registered. Students must verify their registration using Fish ‘R’ Net to be sure they are attending the correct classes and sections. A student must be registered in a course to receive a final grade.
With the exception of a cancelled course, only the student may make a change to his or her registration. Faculty members cannot add a student to a class or withdraw a student from a class. If web activity is allowed, the student must make all changes using Fish ‘R’ Net; if web activity has ended, the student must make all changes in the Registrar’s Office using a Drop/Add form.
It is the student’s responsibility to know and register for the courses appropriate for his or her program requirements. The advisor provides assistance but is not responsible for the student’s course selection or errors in choosing courses. Students should be aware of and meet all of the dates and deadlines for registration, drop/add, and withdrawal from courses. Registration, adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course after a published deadline must be approved by the dean.
Schedules and grade reports are available in Fish ‘R’ Net. Some documents are still mailed; therefore, students should keep their mailing addresses updated by notifying the Registrar’s Office of changes.
The College reserves the right at any time to make changes deemed advisable in policies and procedures, as well as in tuition and fees, and to cancel any course if enrollment does not justify continuance.