Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education
Degrees and Policies
The School of Education includes the following undergraduate areas of study in inclusive education:
Inclusive Childhood Education with Middle School Extension
- Leads to initial New York state certification in Childhood Education (grades 1–6) and Students with Disabilities (grades 1–6), with an extension in Middle School (grades 7–9) in the chosen content area
Inclusive Adolescence Education with Middle School Extension
- Leads to initial New York state certification in Adolescence Education (grades 7–12) in the chosen content area, with extension in Middle School (grades 5–6) and Students with Disabilities (generalist) certification (grades 7–12)
Field Experiences and Student Teaching Overview
Field experiences and student teaching allow candidates to explore and reflect on their content, professional and pedagogical knowledge, application of skills, and dispositions in a variety of diverse settings. Field experiences and student teaching extend the School of Education/PEU’s mission and beliefs into practice through well-designed opportunities to learn through doing. Candidate learning is integrated into the classroom and teaching practice experiences. Candidates observe and are observed by others. They interact with teachers, college supervisors, and others about their practice regularly and continually. Candidates are expected to be members of instructional teams in the hosting school and active participants in classrooms. They are expected to be involved in a variety of school-based activities directed at the improvement of teaching and learning, including the use of information technology. Candidates collect and analyze data on student learning, reflect on their work, and develop strategies for improving learning. At least one of the field experiences and one of the student teaching placements must be in a high-needs school. Candidate participation in professional development school sites enhances and extends the professional development of teacher candidates within the real-time context and culture of schools.
Field Experiences
The field experiences are integrated into courses throughout each program, beginning with the pre-block courses and culminating in the methods courses. Field experiences are required for degree completion and certification.
Candidates must complete a minimum of 150 hours of field experiences before student teaching. Candidates are required to participate in a variety of diverse settings, including a high-needs school district. Candidates also are expected to work with diverse student populations, including students with exceptionalities and students of different ages. Candidates are placed in the grade levels and subjects for which they are preparing. Multiple assessments are used to evaluate candidates and their impact on student learning.
Student Teaching
Student teaching is full-time for 14 weeks and consists of two placements. One of the placements must be in a high-needs school.
To be eligible for student teaching, the teacher candidate must do the following:
- Complete all prerequisite courses
- Complete content courses as outlined in the program
- Have a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.75
- Pass all key program assessments
- Complete and submit a student teaching application
Student Teaching Assignments
Inclusive childhood education candidates will have two assignments, one in a general education classroom and one in an inclusive education setting. Of these assignments, one must be in grades 1–3 and the other in grades 4–6.
Inclusive adolescence education candidates will have two assignments, one in a general education classroom and one in an inclusive education setting. Of these assignments, one must be in grades 7–9 and the other in grades 10–12.
All of the following are required for teacher certification:
- Completion of a bachelor’s degree
- At least 150 clock hours of field experiences prior to student teaching
- Successful completion of the Student Teaching Experience (14 weeks)
- Successful completion of the New York State Teacher Certification examinations
- Fingerprint clearance
- Completion of child abuse, DASA, and school violence intervention and prevention workshops
Note: Information regarding NYSED teacher certification is available at www.highered.nysed.gov/tvert/home.html