
Wendi Sierra, Certificate Director

Melissa Bissonette, James Bowman,** Heather Erwin, Ronen Shay, Jill Swiencicki,* Stephen J. West

*On leave, Fall 2016
**On leave, Spring 2017

Clear, thoughtful writing is a crucial skill required in many professional contexts. The public and professional writing certificate offers students a focused curriculum that prepares them to compose in a variety of professional genres and develops their written, oral, and visual composition skills. Students will refine their writing abilities through courses that feature experiential writing opportunities such as service learning and an internship. The program culminates in a portfolio of polished written work.

This program is ideal for:

  • Students considering careers that depend heavily on written communication (legal studies, business, nonprofit work, etc.)
  • Students interested in working with local community partners
  • Students wishing to hone their composition skills

The public and professional writing certificate combines theoretical approaches and rhetorical analysis with practice and experiential learning. Students will take at least one service learning course and at least one internship, giving them opportunities to work directly with local clients and community partners. This program is specifically designed to be paired with majors in fields in which professionals are expected to be effective communicators.

Public and Professional Writing (Certificate)

For More Information

(585) 385-8064