Title IX
Title IX Notice
St. John Fisher University is committed to maintaining a community in which learning and working can be carried out in an environment of respect, open-mindedness, and integrity. The University stands opposed to all forms of discrimination, harassment, and violence and will work to prevent such behavior within the University community. In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and New York’s Enough is Enough Law, non-discrimination in the education program or activity of the University extends to admissions and employment. The Title IX Coordinator is the designated University official with primary responsibility for coordinating compliance with Title IX and related federal and state laws. The Title IX coordinator, Meg Flaherty, Ph.D., can be reached by phone at (585) 385-8232, email at titleix@sjf.edu, in-person in Campus Center 206, or outside of business hours by contacting the Office of Safety and Security at (585) 385-8111.