GTLY-325 Contemp Issues Gerontology (3)
This course will examine the latest gerontological research and current debates in some of the areas of greatest significance to aging well, including: health promotion/longevity, medical care, senior housing, aging in place, long term care options, public policy, senior advocacy, work and retirement, civic engagement, and intergenerational relations.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: GTLY-265 D-GTLY-330 Cross Cultural Aging (3)
This course examines aging in various social and cultural contexts worldwide, as well as within the U.S. Particular attention is given to transformations associated with demographic and other societal changes. Among the various topics in the course are: longevity, meanings of aging and the life course, the social status of elders, migration and aging, the family, the law, gender and sexuality, spirituality and aging, and formal and informal care.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: GTLY-265 D-GTLY-410 Advanced Issues in Aging (3)
This course presents an in-depth examination of theoretical and methodological aspects of research and scholarship on aging. The students will develop a major research paper (literature review) on a topic of their choice. This may be take an interdisciplinary approach (combining two or more disciplinary perspectives), but it can also rely on one discipline as its primary perspective.
Attributes: YLIB
Restrictions: Including: -Major: Gerontology -Class: Junior, SeniorGTLY-490 Practicum in Gerontology (3)
In consultation with the instructor, gerontology students undertake fieldwork and independent study in human and health service agencies whose focus is serving older persons. Students must write a 12 to 15-page final report.
Attributes: YLIB
Pre-requisites: SOCI-322 D-
Restrictions: Including: -Major: Gerontology -Class: SeniorGTLY-496 Independ Study (3)
The student will work under the supervision of a faculty member to explore a topic of mutual interest for both, and which is not ordinarily present in course offerings. The course will require regular meetings with the instructor and the completion of one or more papers.
Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required.
Attributes: YLIB
Restrictions: Including: -Major: Gerontology -Class: SeniorGTLY-497 Research in GTLY (1 TO 3)
The student conducts original research on aging under the guidance of a professor. This may involve survey research, secondary data analysis, interviewing or other research methods and techniques. The student must write a 15 page final research report. The student will be responsible for obtaining IRB approval prior to conducting the research. Completion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form is required. See Policy on Independent Study.
Attributes: YLIB ZRES
Restrictions: Including: -Major: Gerontology -Class: Senior