create undergraduate program category page

Drawing from the outstanding example of our patron and the rich Catholic heritage of our founding fathers, St. John Fisher College Campus Ministry seeks to capture the religious imagination of students and to engage them in a dynamic pursuit of the Truth, challenging and equipping them to live vibrant, fully integrated lives of intellectual and spiritual excellence.

Campus Ministry offers diverse opportunities for the spiritual growth of the College community: adult Bible study; lively fellowship; worship and prayer events; one-on-one, honest conversations about spiritual matters; opportunities for service; special events and outings; retreats; and so much more.

An initiative of Campus Ministry is Oasis511, from Thessalonians 5:11: “Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up.” Oasis511 is a spiritual life resource center which utilizes the arts (music, word, print, etc.) to provide speakers, concerts, services, articles, programs, and other spiritually grounded events for faith enrichment. Oasis511 is located in the Campus Center and offers a place where individuals can come and gather for prayer and support. Oasis511 works with various departments and clubs to further the dialogue regarding spirituality and matters of faith on campus. Oasis511 hopes to continue to help the College understand and live out what it means to be a college that recognizes its Catholic heritage.

Our campus chapel, the Hermance Family Chapel of St. Basil the Great is located next to Kearney Hall. The celebration of the Holy Mass is offered Monday through Friday at 4:30 p.m. and on Sundays at 10 a.m. and at 9 p.m. during the academic year. During Summer, Mass is offered at 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Sunday at 10 a.m. Students of other faiths or traditions who wish to worship within their own tradition can find on-campus and off-campus information through the Office of Campus Ministry.

Someone is always available in the Office of Campus Ministry to offer a listening ear and to be a source of counsel and support. We are located on the second floor of the Campus Center and welcome all.

Policy on Students, Faculty, and Staff and Religious Observance

To extend protection to students, faculty, and staff when their religious observances or “holidays of conscience” (to include the official observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday) may conflict with academic and work responsibilities and to reasonably accommodate individuals’ religious obligations and practices without penalty, based on good faith of all persons concerned, St. John Fisher College has established the following policy and procedures:

  • No student, faculty, or staff member will be dismissed from or refused admission or employment at St. John Fisher College because he or she is unable to participate in any examination, study, or work requirements because of his or her religious obligations and practices.
  • St. John Fisher College will accept the responsibility of making available to each student who is absent from school because of his or her religious obligations and practices an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or academic work requirements that may have been missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees will be charged to the students for costs incurred by the College’s provisions of special classes, examinations, or academic work requirements.
  • Faculty members who miss classes because of their religious obligations and practices will work with their department chairs to assure that the classes will be conducted and the coursework carried on during such absence on any particular day or days. Staff members will use a vacation day or days for such absence.
  • In effecting the provisions of this policy, the College’s administration and faculty agree to exercise the fullest measure of good faith and agree that no adverse or prejudicial effects will result to any student, faculty, or staff member who avails himself or herself of the institution’s policy on religious observances.
  • St. John Fisher College requires students to notify their instructors and faculty to notify their chairs, in writing, no later than the fifteenth day after the first day of the semester of each class scheduled for a day on which the student or faculty member will be absent. Staff members will follow the normal procedure for notifying their supervisors when they will be absent because of their religious obligations and practices.
  • St. John Fisher College will annually publish this policy on students, faculty, and staff members and religious observance in the College Catalog, and in the Employee Handbook, and the dates for notification in writing mentioned in the above paragraph will be printed in the semester academic calendar.

Tuition and Fees for Summer 2017 – Spring 2018

Tuition and Fees
Per Semester Per Year
Full-Time* $16,270 $32,540
Comprehensive Fee $260 $520
Part-Time $885/credit hour
Comprehensive Fee $10/credit hour
RN to BSN Cohort $650/credit hour
Comprehensive Fee $10/credit hour
Summer Online @ Fisher $442.50/per credit hour
Comprehensive Fee $10/credit hour

*This rate applies to undergraduate students registered for 12–19 credits. Students enrolled in more than 19 credits will be billed per credit for each additional credit at the part-time rate.

Course Fees

Course Fees
Course Fees
ARTS 102C P1 Encounter with the Arts $80
NURS 300 Intro Discipline Nursing $258
NURS 317 Adult/Older Adult Health I $220
NURS 423 Adult/Older Adult Health II $220
NURS 431 Care of Children $211

Room and Meal Plans

Room and Meal Plan Costs
Per Semester
Room $3,890
Dorm Activity Fee1 $30
Unlimited Dining Hall Plan (available to all students) $3,420
Tier I Dining Hall Plan (available to all students) $2,565
Tier 2 Dining Hall Plan (available to all students) $2,185
tier 3 Dining Hall Plan (available to resident students in their second year and all non-residential students) $1,740
Commuter Dining Hall Plan (available to all non-residential students) $930

For meal plan descriptions, please visit the Dining Services Meal Plan Options page.

Miscellaneous Charges

Misc. Charges
As Needed
Application Fee $30
Study Abroad Program Fee2 $350/term abroad
Late Course Change Fee3 $50
Late Payment Fee $200
Late Registration Fee4 $200
Registration Fee (Billed in term admitted to College) $300
Reinstatement Fee $300
Replacement Check Fee $35
Returned Check Fee $38
Commuter Vehicle Registration Fee $50/year
Resident Vehicle Registration Fee $75/year

Note: All rates are subject to change.

1. The Dorm Activity fee is charged to all resident students to support their programs.
2. The Study Abroad fee will be assessed to all students studying abroad. These students will have additional charges billed to their account (airfare, room and board, etc.) as dictated by each program.
3. The Late Course Change fee is a processing fee associated with the approved requests for course changes (add/drop/withdraw) that occur after the published calendar deadlines.
4. The Late Registration fee is charged to all continuing students who register after classes begin.

Note: Courses taken on an audit basis are billed as credit courses. Since no academic credit will be earned for an audited course, student eligibility for financial aid may be affected.

Students who withdraw (from all courses or from an individual course) will be charged tuition on a proportionate basis according to the schedules below based on the part of term for the course. The term “refund” below refers to the percentage of the tuition reduction. Fees are not refundable. As such, the percentage of any payment and/or aid that may be returned to you (if any) may be different.

A student who is considering withdrawing from the College or dropping a class is strongly encouraged to discuss implications with his/her advisor.

For refunding purposes, the 1st week is defined as the first 7 calendar days in the term. Ex: If classes start on a Tuesday, the first week runs from Tuesday through Monday of the following week.

Refund Schedules

Full Term Courses* (Part of Term 1)

Full Term Course Refund Schedule
Withdrawal in the 1st Week 100% Refund
Withdrawal in the 2nd Week 80% Refund
Withdrawal in the 3rd Week 60% Refund
Withdrawal in the 4th Week 50% Refund
Withdrawal in the 5th & 6th Week 20% Refund
Withdrawal after the 6th Week 0% Refund

*Excludes Pharmacy Program

Weekend Courses* (Part of Term A & B)

Weekend Course Refund Schedule
Withdrawal before 2nd class 100% Refund
Withdrawal before 3rd class 75% Refund
Withdrawal before 4th class 50% Refund
Withdrawal before 5th class 25% Refund
Withdrawal after 5th class 0% Refund

Note: Each weekend consists of two class meetings; one on Friday and one on Saturday. Example: if a student attends the first weekend, then they have attended two class meetings and will be refunded 75% of the tuition.

*Ed.D. students are required to return their laptops and books upon withdrawal. Failure to do so will result in additional charges.

Other Courses (Part of Term 7A, 7B, X, & Z)

Other Course Term Refund Schedule
Withdrawal in the 1st Week 100% Refund
Withdrawal in the 2nd Week 75% Refund
Withdrawal in the 3rd Week 50% Refund
Withdrawal in the 4th Week 25% Refund
Withdrawal after the 4th Week 0% Refund

Pharmacy Program* (Part of Term P)

Pharmacy Program Refund Schedule
Withdrawal before 1st day of class 100% Refund
Withdrawal after 1st day of class 0% Refund

*Students wishing to withdraw from the Pharmacy Program must notify the Office of Student Affairs and Advocacy in writing of their intentions.

Special Parts of Term (Part of Term S)

Special Parts of Term Refund Schedule
Withdrawal prior to 10% completion point 100% Refund
10% – 19.9% completion point 75% Refund
20% – 29.9% completion point 50% Refund
30% – 39.9% completion point 25% Refund
At the 40% completion point 0% Refund

Return of Title IV Funds

The Federal Government specifies how St. John Fisher College determines the amount of Title IV program assistance a student earns when they withdraw from the College. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law are: Federal PELL Grants, TEACH Grants, Federal Direct Student Loans, PLUS Loans, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs) and Federal Perkins Loans.

When a student who is a Title IV fund recipient withdraws, the amount of Title IV funds earned is based on the amount of time the student spent in academic attendance. Up through the 60% point in each payment period or period of enrollment, a pro rata schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. After the 60% point in the payment period of enrollment, a student has earned 100% of the Title IV funds.

For complete details on the return of Title IV funds when a student withdraws, please review our Return of Title IV Funds Policy [pdf].

Title IV fund recipients who are withdrawing from classes that are part of two 6 or 7-week modules should review our Part of Term Withdrawal Policy [pdf].

Return of Non-Title IV Funds

When a student withdraws who has paid using non-Title IV funds, any credit balance resulting from refund calculations will be returned to the student.

The financial aid programs at St. John Fisher College have been developed to assist students with financing their education. Eligibility is based primarily on need and/or merit. Since the family and the student bear the primary responsibility for a student’s education, each student and family are expected to make a reasonable effort to provide sufficient funds to enable the student to complete his or her education. The Office of Student Financial Services has prepared a realistic budget that is based on the current tuition and fees and on probable miscellaneous expenses.

The following is intended to give basic information about the financial assistance that is available. Often, financial aid packages will consist of a combination of the forms of aid described in this section. Sources of aid awarded at the discretion of St. John Fisher College are not available for summer study, even if the student enrolls in a full-time course load during summer semesters.

Forms Required for Applying

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required for every need-based financial aid program administered by St. John Fisher College (e.g., St. John Fisher College grants, private scholarships, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Grant, Federal College Work-Study, Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal TEACH Grants). The priority deadline for filing the FAFSA is January 15 for all students. After these dates, institutional need-based funds will be awarded on a funds-available basis. The FAFSA is completed at

In order to apply for financial aid from programs not administered by the College (e.g., state grants), different application forms and deadlines are required, as indicated in the program descriptions.

Academic Progress Requirements

Most sources of financial assistance, especially New York State and federally funded aid programs, require specified progress toward a degree during each academic term for which aid is received. Progress is measured in the number of credits earned and the grade point average achieved. Failure to meet these standards can result in the loss of some, or all, financial assistance in subsequent academic periods. It is each student’s responsibility to become aware of, and comply with, these standards if continued receipt of financial assistance is desired. The academic progress requirements for New York State, federal, and institutional aid are detailed in Standards of Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients.

Consortium Agreements

A consortium agreement is a written agreement between two schools which allows a Fisher student to take courses at another institution and count those courses toward his or her degree at St. John Fisher College. A consortium agreement allows the St. John Fisher College Office of Student Financial Services to count courses at both institutions when determining a student’s enrollment level for the purposes of awarding aid. However, the courses taken at the host institution must be applicable toward the student’s degree in order to be counted at St. John Fisher. Consortium agreements can be done on a limited appeal basis based upon mitigating circumstances. The student must contact the Office of Student Financial Services to complete the Request for Financial Aid to take Course(s) at Another Institution form.

Renewal of Financial Aid

Financial aid is reviewed annually and requires you to file the Free Application of Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year that aid is requested. The FAFSA filing deadline for returning Fisher students is January 15 of each year. Late filers will be considered for aid renewal on a funds-available basis. An award is continued if the student is making satisfactory progress toward a degree, is in need of financial assistance, and meets academic requirements of merit scholarships. Substantial adjustments in aid from year to year are seldom made unless there is a major change in family financial need. The maximum number of semester of St. John Fisher College grants and scholarships that an entering freshman can receive is eight (8) semesters (4 years).

Students are strongly encouraged to consult with the Office of Student Financial Services prior to changes in housing status, major, financial need, or participation in a study abroad program. These changes may affect a student’s eligibility for renewal of certain types of financial aid.

For further information, please see Terms and Conditions of Financial Aid Awards [pdf].

Change from Full-Time to Part-Time Status

Part-time students are not eligible for many forms of financial aid. Students who drop to fewer than 12 credits within the first four weeks of the semester will be considered part-time students. Therefore, any student contemplating a change from full-time to part-time status should consult with the Office of Student Financial Services before finalizing any change in registration.

Loan Exit Interviews

A student who drops below half-time status or graduates is required by the federal government to complete exit counseling if he or she borrowed a Federal Direct Student Loan, a Federal Perkins Loan, and/or received the Federal TEACH Grant. Exit counseling is required for each type of loan. Federal Direct Student Loan exit counseling and TEACH Grant exit counseling can be done at: Federal Perkins Loan borrowers will be contacted by our loan servicer, ECSI, to complete the exit counseling. Failure to do so may result in withholding of the diploma and/or academic transcripts.

Special Circumstances

Changing economic conditions today call for a careful re-evaluation of financial need. Parents and students with altered family situations must notify the Office of Student Financial Services for consideration.

Director of Office of Student Financial Services
St. John Fisher College
3690 East Avenue
Rochester, New York 14618
Phone: (585) 385-8042

State Financial Aid Awards

Criteria of Program Pursuit and Satisfactory Academic Progress for Recipients of State Financial Aid Awards

In addition to all other criteria, students must be in “good academic standing” in order to establish eligibility for New York State awards. “Good academic standing” consists of meeting the following state-approved minimum standards of “program pursuit” and “satisfactory academic progress” and is evaluated each term.

These criteria apply only to the establishment of eligibility for state awards. They are not the general College criteria of good academic standing and are not used in determining the academic status of students. Since the College standards are generally higher than these state-approved standards, students may be required to withdraw from the College for academic reasons, even if their academic record is above the minimum state standards.

The requirements that students must “pursue a program of study” and make “satisfactory academic progress” toward the completion of academic requirements will apply to all students receiving their first state awards in the fall of 1981 or thereafter.

Standards of Program Pursuit for State Awards

State regulations define “program pursuit” as receiving a passing or failing grade in a certain percentage of a full-time course load depending on the number of state awards the student has received. The standards are as follows:

  • In each semester of study in the first year for which an award is made, the student must receive a passing or failing grade in at least six semester hours (i.e., 50 percent of the minimum full-time load).
  • In each term of study in the second year for which an award is made, the student must receive a passing or failing grade in at least nine semester hours (i.e., 75 percent of the minimum full-time load).
  • In each term of study in the third and each succeeding year for which an award is made, the student must receive a passing or failing grade in at least 12 semester hours (i.e., 100 percent of the minimum full-time load).

Generally, the state will accept as a passing or failing grade the grades “A” through “F” and any grade that indicates that the student (1) attended the course for the entire semester and (2) completed all the assignments. The grades of “S” (satisfactory) and “P” (passing) are acceptable. The grade of “I” is acceptable only if it automatically changes to a standard passing or failing grade before completion of the next term of studies. The grade of “W” does not constitute a grade that may be used to meet the requirement of program pursuit.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for State Awards

In addition to the above standards of “program pursuit,” students generally must meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress outlined on the chart below unless they have special circumstances. The progress of students with special circumstances, such as those who have transferred from another institution or who have used their waiver (see explanation in waiver procedures below), is monitored on an adjusted schedule. See description of special circumstances (below).

“C” Average Requirement for State Awards

Students who have received two annual payments of state-funded financial aid must have a cumulative “C” average or its equivalent (2.00 grade point average) in order to continue receiving payment in subsequent semesters. This requirement is in addition to the standard of satisfactory academic progress.

Repeated Coursework

New York State regulations mandate that courses in which the student has already received a passing grade cannot be included in meeting full-time study requirements for state aid. Repeated courses may be counted toward full-time study requirements if a student repeats a failed course, if a student repeats the course for additional credit (i.e. internships or research courses), or when a student has received a grade of C or lower in a course that is required for the major they have declared.

One-Time Waiver Procedures

The standards of satisfactory academic progress for state student financial aid awards may be waived once as an undergraduate student and once as a graduate student if an institution certifies and maintains documentation that such a waiver is in the best interests of the student. A student must submit a written request for a waiver to the Director of Office of Student Financial Services. The granting of a waiver is at the discretion of the institution.

The waiving of standards of good academic progress will require documentation by the student of extraordinary circumstances such as illness or death in the student’s family, serious illness of the student, or academic hardship. Use of the waiver option must be requested and agreed to in writing by the student.

Transfer Student Eligibility

Transfer students (and students readmitted after a period of absence from college) will be subject to procedures slightly different from those applied to students in continuing status. For example, when a student transfers from a TAP-eligible program at one institution to another TAP-eligible program at a second institution, the receiving institution (in this case, St. John Fisher College) must make a determination, based upon an evaluation of the student’s academic and, to the extent possible, financial aid record, that the transfer student is able to benefit from and is admissible to the new program of study. The receiving institution will assign a certain number of transfer credits it is willing to accept from the student’s previous study, and on the basis of this assessment, the student will be placed either at the appropriate point on the chart of satisfactory academic progress (below) that corresponds to the number of transfer credits accepted or at the point that corresponds to the number of payments previously received by the student, whichever is more beneficial to the student.

Special Circumstances

An applicant for the state financial aid awards covered by these regulations must be enrolled full-time. However, upon presentation of satisfactory medical evidence to substantiate that serious illness or mental or physical disability precludes attendance on a full-time basis, work performed during two or more terms of study may be approved as equivalent to a regular term for scholarship, tuition assistance program, or other benefits.

Loss and Reinstatement of Student Eligibility

The penalty for not meeting state-approved criteria of good academic standing (i.e., criteria of “program pursuit” and “satisfactory academic progress”) is suspension of a student’s New York State financial aid award.

The award will remain suspended until the student is restored to good academic standing by either:

  • Pursuing for a period of one semester the program of study in which he or she is enrolled and “making satisfactory progress” toward the completion of his or her program’s academic requirements.


  • Establishing in some other way, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Education, evidence of his or her ability to successfully complete an approved program.

In general, students who lose their awards must seek reinstatement as noted above.

The second bullet above provides a way for students who have lost their awards and who either are transferring to another institution or who wish to return to college after an absence of at least a year to achieve good standing and thus to regain their awards. For such students, the detailed record of a student’s readmission to the institution, or admission to another institution, will be accepted as evidence of his or her ability to successfully complete an approved program.

If you have a question concerning these regulations, please contact the Director of Office of Student Financial Services.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid

Before being certified for this payment of state aid, a student must have accrued at least this many semester credit hours. This applies to non-remedial students in a baccalaureate program, receiving their first NYS award in 2010-11 and after.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid
Semester Credit Hours Minimum GPA
1st 0 0.00
2nd 6 1.50
3rd 15 1.80
4th 27 1.80
5th 39 2.00
6th 51 2.00
7th 66 2.00
8th 81 2.00
9th* 96 2.00
10th* 111 2.00

Before being certified for this payment of state aid, a student must have accrued at least this many semester credit hours. This applies to ADA part-time students in a baccalaureate program, receiving their first NYS award in 2010-11 and after.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid for ADA Part-time Students
Semester Credit Hours Minimum GPA
1st 0 0.00
2nd 3 1.50
3rd 9 1.80
4th 21 1.80
5th 33 2.00
6th 45 2.00
7th 60 2.00
8th 75 2.00
9th* 90 2.00
10th* 105 2.00

Note: The 2011-12 enacted NYS budget mandates the following standards of progress, enacted in 2006-07, shall be used for non-remedial students who first receive State aid in 2007-08 through 2009-10 and for students who meet the definition of “remedial student” (HEOP) in 2010-11 and thereafter. The enacted budget defines remedial for purposes of SAP.

Effective 2006-07 for HEOP students.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid for HEOP Students
Semester Credit Hours Minimum GPA
1st 0 0.00
2nd 3 1.10
3rd 9 1.20
4th 21 1.30
5th 33 2.00
6th 45 2.00
7th 60 2.00
8th 75 2.00
9th* 90 2.00
10th* 105 2.00

*Education law requires that no undergraduate student shall be eligible for more than four academic years (eight semesters) of state awards or five academic years if the program of study normally requires five years. Students in the Higher Education Opportunity Program are permitted five years (ten semesters) of eligibility.

Federal and College-Funded Financial Aid Awards

The following minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress apply to all federally funded and College-funded assistance:

For purposes of determining satisfactory academic progress, the time frame for completion of an undergraduate program cannot exceed 150 percent of the published program length for a full-time student; that is, for a 120-credit-hour (four-year) program, the maximum time frame is set to 180 attempted hours. This method does not consider the length of time each student spends in the program, so that the same maximum number of attempted hours is used for all students regardless of full-time or part-time enrollment status. All credit hours attempted, whether or not they are completed or passed, are counted toward the maximum time-frame limit.

A student who exceeds the 150 percent time-frame limit is ineligible for all types of federal programs (Pell Grants, Perkins Loans, College Work-Study, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants [SEOG], Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, Direct Student Loans [subsidized and unsubsidized], Direct Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students [PLUS], TEACH Grants and College-funded financial aid).

In addition to the above standards, all full-time students must earn twenty (20) credit hours during each academic year and must have at least the following cumulative grade point average (GPA):

Required GPA for Federal and College-funded Financial Aid Awards
Semester Hours Earned
Toward Degree
Cumulative Grade Point
Average at or Above
0–35 1.50
36–50 1.65
51–65 1.80
66–80 1.90
81–92 1.95
93+ 2.00

Students placed on warning or probation status, as defined in this bulletin, can continue to receive financial aid provided they are maintaining the academic standards outlined above.


Policy stipulates that you are not eligible to receive your financial aid until you are in compliance with academic requirements. However, you have the right to appeal this policy if you feel that unusual mitigating circumstances were a factor in your academic performance (i.e., an injury, illness, death of a relative etc.). All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Director of Office of Student Financial Services, stating the mitigating circumstance, supporting documentation, and a plan for academic success. Students will be notified of the appeal decision.

Students will be placed on a probation status upon approved appeal. If after the probation period of one semester of receiving federal and College funds it is seen that a student will not meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards for the year, they will not receive an additional payment of financial aid. Students will be notified of this decision.

Regaining Eligibility

If an appeal is denied, students will not continue to receive federal and/or College funded assistance. Eligibility may be reinstated by successfully completing coursework that improves a student’s cumulative GPA and/or overall credits earned without receiving the assistance of federal and/or College funds. The Office of Student Financial Services should be informed of the student’s intention to do so, and supplied with a transcript of grades after the completion of courses. Remember that only courses taken at St. John Fisher College will affect a student’s GPA. Repeat courses which have been previously passed will not be counted. Students who lose eligibility for financial aid as a result of an insufficient GPA and/or number of credit hours at the end of an academic year can make up the deficiency by attending summer school at their own expense. Only courses taken at St. John Fisher College will affect a student’s GPA.

Repeated Coursework

Recent federal regulations change the way enrollment status is determined for students who are repeating coursework in which they previously received a letter grade of D- or higher. Fisher may pay a student one time for retaking previously-passed coursework. To determine a student’s enrollment status (full-time vs. part-time), Fisher cannot include more than one repetition of a previously passed course.

Note: Repeated courses that a student has passed will not count toward this requirement.

Part-Time Matriculated Students

A student taking at least six credit hours but fewer than 12 credit hours during the semester is defined as part-time. All part-time students must maintain a GPA comparable to that required of a full-time student with the same number of credit hours accumulated toward a degree (see above chart).

Recipients must be in good academic standing in accordance with the commissioner’s regulations and must not be in default on a federal or state made student loan or on any repayment of state awards.

Note: Where any question of eligibility exists, the student or prospective student should contact the Office of Student Financial Services.

Tuition Assistance Program

All TAP applicants must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually at in order to determine eligibility for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) grant. Students must also complete a separate application at The application deadline is May 1 of the award year for which aid is requested. The Higher Education Services Corporation determines the applicant’s eligibility and mails an award certificate directly to the applicant indicating the amount of the grant. The post-secondary institution may defer payment based on the receipt of the award certificate and verification of TAP eligibility requirements (such as high school completion, residency, citizenship).

Undergraduate students may generally receive TAP awards for four years of study. Students enrolled in approved five-year programs, or in a state-sponsored opportunity program, may receive undergraduate awards for five years.

*Independent status under the state definition does not necessarily ensure independent status for federal aid programs.

The amount of the TAP award is scaled according to the number of TAP payments previously received, tuition charge, and New York State net taxable income. The income measure is the family’s (for independent students) net taxable income from the preceding tax year plus certain non-taxable income and (for dependent students) support from divorced or separated parents. This income is further adjusted to reflect other family members enrolled full-time in post-secondary study.

More information regarding the NYS TAP award, including the selection of recipients and allocation of awards, can be found on the Higher Education Services Corporation website.

Part-time TAP

Part-time TAP helps eligible New York residents attending in-state postsecondary institutions on a part-time basis pay for tuition. Part-time TAP is a grant and does not have to be paid back. To apply, students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually at and the TAP application at Students are required to notify the Office of Student Financial Services to receive part-time TAP.  Learn more about TAP eligibility and income limits.

Veterans Tuition Awards

Veterans Tuition Awards (VTA) are awards for full-time or part-time study for eligible veterans matriculated at an undergraduate or graduate degree-granting institution or in an approved vocational training program in New York State. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at and a NYS TAP application at Veterans who do not anticipate filling a FAFSA, can request a Scholarship Grant Payment Application by calling HESC at 1-888-697-4372.

For full-time study, veterans shall receive an award of up to the full cost of undergraduate tuition for New York State residents at the State University of New York, or actual tuition charges, whichever is less. Full-time study is defined as 12 or more credits per semester (or the equivalent) at a degree-granting institution, or 24 or more hours per week in a vocational training program. For part-time study, awards will be prorated by credit hour. Part-time study is defined as 3–11 credits per semester (or the equivalent) at a degree-granting institution, or 6–23 hours per week in a vocational training program.

If a Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) award is also received, the combined academic year award cannot exceed tuition. Thus, the TAP award will be reduced accordingly.

Learn more about Veterans Tuition Awards.

Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP)

Application Procedures

Application is through the independent institution of higher education at which the applicant is enrolled.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards

Recipients must be HEOP-sponsored students at this College. The total possible amount of each individual grant is determined by factors such as other available funds, NYSED-HEOP Bureau guidelines, student financial need, NYS-legislated appropriations, and a joint decision by the HEOP director and the Director of Student Financial Services.

Criteria of Program Pursuit and Satisfactory Academic Progress for Recipients of State Financial Aid Awards (HEOP)

HEOP students must meet the same criteria as recipients of the Tuition Assistance Program (see above). NYS standards of progress chart for HEOP students can be found in Standards of Academic Progress. For further information, contact the Academic Opportunities Program Office or the  Office of Student Financial Services.

New York State Aid for Part-Time Study Program (APTS)

New York State provides grants ranging up to $2,000 for part-time students enrolled in a degree program. Recipients must meet several requirements, including New York State residency and income qualifications. Information and applications are available on the Office of Student Financial Services website. Learn more about APTS eligibility and income limits.

New York State Scholarships

For eligibility requirements, application process and award information on the following:

  • Flight 3407 Memorial Scholarship
  • Flight 587 Memorial Scholarship
  • Military Service Recognition Incentive and Tribute – MERIT Scholarship (MSRS)
  • NYS Math and Science Teaching Incentive Scholarship
  • NYS Memorial Scholarships for Families of Deceased Firefighters, Volunteer Firefighters, Police Officers, Peace Officers, and Emergency Medical Workers
  • NYS Scholarships for Academic Excellence
  • NYS Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Incentive Program
  • New York State Achievement and Investment in Merit Scholarship (NY-AIMS)
  • NYS World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship
  • NYS Aid to Native Americans
  • NYS Regents Awards for Children of Deceased and Disabled Veterans
  • Segal AmeriCorps Education Award

For more information please visit the Higher Education Services Corporation webpage on Grants, Scholarships, and Loan Programs.