create undergraduate program category page

Students will be approved for graduation based on the degree requirements outlined in the College catalog they are following. Freshmen follow the catalog that is published in the fall semester they enter the College. Transfer students follow the catalog under which their transfer credits were evaluated.

Note: Transfer students who enter in the fall semester follow requirements in the previous year’s catalog.

Catalog information is available in Fish ‘R’ Net, and, unless changed, the online degree evaluation will be based on the entering catalog. Students may stay with the catalog under which they entered the College or choose to follow any subsequent catalog in place while they are in attendance. A change in catalog is a serious decision since it will affect the major, minor, and degree requirements. Core Requirements will remain unchanged. A change of major, concentration or minor does not result in a change of catalog unless requested by the student.

A request to change a student’s catalog must be made in writing in the Center for Academic Advising and Support Services.

Students who are away from the College for more than four calendar years will be readmitted under the degree requirements outlined in the current College catalog. Readmitted students continue to follow the Core Requirements in effect during their first period of attendance.

The major is that subject in which the student has chosen to take a concentration of work. Students should explore a number of majors by taking courses in a variety of disciplines and seeking advice from faculty and advising staff before making a final decision. Requirements for majors are found in each department within the catalog.

Multiple Majors

Students may earn majors in more than one discipline. Official recognition of additional majors will be made on the transcript provided the student has met the requirements set by departments.

  • The student will receive only one degree with the two majors noted on the transcript.
  • The majors will appear in the order in which they were declared. If the majors conflict in relation to the degrees conferred, i.e., B.A. and B.S., the degree of the first major will be the degree of record.
  • Students seeking multiple majors are not required to complete a minor. They are reminded that all requirements for each major must be met before they can be certified for graduation.
  • Interdisciplinary studies cannot be part of a multiple major.