Pre-Professional & Cooperative Programs
Pre-Professional Courses of Study
The liberal arts programs of St. John Fisher College contain the prerequisites for students interested in medicine, dentistry, law, engineering, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, and optometry. Requirements for professional schools vary considerably. Students are advised to consult their faculty advisors in each instance.
St. John Fisher College offers all courses required for admission to most medical and dental schools in the United States. The pre-health professions programs are flexible enough to allow students to major in any of the academic departments, though most choose biology or chemistry. Medical and dental schools indicate that they are interested in liberally educated individuals with diverse backgrounds and talents.
Students interested in health professions are urged to contact the pre-health professions advisor at the College early in the freshman year or as soon as possible after transferring to Fisher for further information and guidance. See Pre-Health Professions Programs for more information.
Cooperative Programs
Rochester Area Colleges (RAC): St. John Fisher College is a member of the Rochester Area Colleges consortium, chartered in 1971 by the Board of Regents of the State of New York. Other members include: University of Rochester, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry, Rochester Institute of Technology, Roberts Wesleyan College, Nazareth College of Rochester, Keuka College, Alfred University, Empire State College, Wells College, Houghton College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Corning Community College, Genesee Community College, Finger Lakes Community College, Monroe Community College, and the State University of New York at Brockport and at Geneseo. The consortium was established to advance interinstitutional cooperation and thus increase the academic resources of the community. Undergraduate matriculated students may enroll in undergraduate courses on a space-available basis at any RAC college, provided that: the requested course is not taught at the home school and the student is a full-time student at his or her home school throughout the duration of the requested course and pays full-time tuition to the home school. A full-time student is defined as a matriculated student carrying no fewer than 12 credit hours. Enrollment is not applicable to summer semester or graduate courses. The academic and administrative policies, dates, and procedures of the host school govern students. For more detailed information or a registration form, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
Credit earned by St. John Fisher College students at other RAC member institutions is not included in the Fisher grade point average and is not accepted in transfer unless a grade of “C” or higher is earned. Fisher language majors who take courses in their major at Nazareth College will earn the grade as well as the credits, regardless of the grade(s) received.
Far Eastern Languages (University of Rochester) Students may enroll in courses in Far Eastern languages, history, and culture offered through the South Asian Studies Center and also may enroll in creative arts by special arrangement.
Pre-Engineering: (Columbia University, Clarkson University, University of Detroit, and Manhattan College): Degrees in the full range of engineering fields can be earned in cooperation with the schools of engineering at these institutions. For further details, see the Pre-Engineering Program description in the physics department or consult with the pre-engineering advisor.
U.S. Army ROTC: Through the Rochester Area Colleges (RAC) consortium, St. John Fisher College students in all academic disciplines are eligible to participate in Army scholarship programs. Four-, three-, and two-year scholarships are available. Scholarships are competitively based, and early application is important. Students awarded Army ROTC scholarships are entitled to additional benefits including, non-taxable monthly stipends, money for books, and paid training. All successful graduates are guaranteed at least four years of active duty leadership experience as Army officers in the active Army, the Army Reserve, or Army National Guard after completing Army ROTC. For more information, email, visit, or call (585) 475-2881.
U.S. Air Force ROTC: Through the Rochester Area Colleges (RAC) consortium, St. John Fisher College students in all academic disciplines are eligible to participate in Air Force scholarship programs. Four-, three-, and two-year scholarships are available. Scholarships are competitively based, and early application is important. Students awarded AFROTC scholarships are entitled to additional benefits including, non-taxable monthly stipends, money for books, and paid training. All successful graduates are guaranteed at least four years of active duty leadership experience as Air Force officers. For details on classes and scholarships, visit or call (585) 475-5196 or (877) 423-7682.
Study Abroad Programs: These programs are operated in association with Central College in Pella, Iowa; with the American Institute for Foreign Study in Greenwich, Connecticut; with the American University of Rome; with the American University of Cairo, Egypt; with the Prospero Institute, Japan; and with the Council on International Educational Exchange.