Tutorial Courses
Courses taught as tutorials are individualized instruction in the content of a course listed in the College catalog. These courses, though taught independently, carry the subject, number, title, and credits of the actual course.
Tutorial courses are open only to students who have completed at least 12 credits at the College and earned at least a 2.50 GPA in the field in which the tutorial course resides.
To enroll in a tutorial course:
- The student meets with the instructor who offers the requested course to discuss the possibility of a tutorial and the justification.
- After securing the approval of the instructor, the student completes the Tutorial portion of the Independent Study/Tutorial Authorization form. The student then meets with the chair of the department which offers the requested course to discuss the requested tutorial and the justification.
- After securing approval of the chair, the student meets with the school dean to discuss the request and justification.
- If the request is approved by the dean, will be sent to the Registrar’s Office. This notification must contain the course information, instructor, name of the student, and the justification.
- The Registrar’s Office will notify the student by email when the paperwork has been processed and the registration is completed.
Requests for tutorials will be processed in keeping with the relevant registration deadlines.