Ryan Gantner, Chair
Bruce Blaine, Daniel Cass, Anne K. Geraci, Kris H. Green,* Scott Harrison, Erica Johnson, Elizabeth Leboffe, Mark McKinzie, Donald L. Muench, Bernard Ricca, Erik Winarski
*On leave, Spring 2015
The Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences offers majors in Computer Science, Statistics, and Mathematics. This administrative department and its majors emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication while stressing interdisciplinary learning.
The Computer Science major aims to:
- Provide training in the theoretical and practical aspects of computer science. With attention to applications in science and business, the major directs students toward future graduate study or employment.
- Provide its majors with a general education in computer science and an advanced knowledge of systems and software security through a combination of specialized and general courses.
The major in Computer Science leads to a B.S. degree.